I'm a solo independent game developer and electronic music artist whose given name is Larry. Before developing games, I began using Blaze Epic as a pseudonym for my solo music project, starting out with two EP's, an LP, and a few covers of songs from video game soundtracks before a regrettable phase of rapping with comedic intentions. While a majority of the aforementioned had been made available for download, I'm not fond enough of the material I haven't kept public. I still try to play around with music but since shifting my focus towards game development, I had carried the name over as an independent game developer. If you're looking to contact me in regards to contributing work to a current or future project of mine, please do refer to the blog below before messaging me.

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FightBit is a side-scrolling beat-em-up with pseudo 8-bit graphics and rudimentary gameplay influenced by contemporary melee focused combat games. Defeat...

Hinedere Beat

Hinedere Beat


Hinedere Beat is a yuri-themed, pseudo 8-bit mixture between a quasi-cinematic platformer and kinetic novel. It tells a love story of cynical themes throughout...




HIKIBYOU2 is an action/adventure platfomer with puzzle and stealth elements. A bit of what differentiates itself from the first title in the series, Hikikomori...

Nil-Ninjahtic: Ronin

Nil-Ninjahtic: Ronin


Nil-Ninjahtic: Ronin is a pseudo 8-bit action platformer. While it integrates gameplay mechanics of the previous titles in the series, they are combined...

Hikikomori No Chuunibyou

Hikikomori No Chuunibyou


Hikikomori No Chuunibyou is a pseudo 8-bit platform-adventure game with beat-em-up, puzzle, and stealth elements. With its storytelling directing the...




Ninjahtic is an action/adventure platformer with elements of puzzle-solving and stealth. While it's progression is linear, the open-ended nature of every...

Ninjahtic Mind Tricks

Ninjahtic Mind Tricks


Ninjahtic Mind Tricks is an 8-bit hack-and-slash platformer with stealth, adventure, and puzzle elements. Like it's predecessor, Ninjahtic, levels have...

An Imp? A Fiend!

An Imp? A Fiend!


Stuck in the Underworld without the slightest clue why, a young fiend has a bit of a mystery to solve in this action/adventure platformer. With a world...

Shin Samurai Jazz

Shin Samurai Jazz


Shin Samurai Jazz is a platform-adventure game. It combines the likes of film noir and samurai cinema, presenting them with 8-bit graphics, an electro-jazz...




An action/adventure game taking ques from both film-noir and samurai-drama's of old, "samurai_jazz" takes players on an adventure through an enigmatic...

The Way of the Pixelated Fist

The Way of the Pixelated Fist


The Way of the Pixelated Fist is a parkour and martial arts inspired free-roaming cinematic platformer. While it blends together the gameplay concepts...




8-bits of side-scrolling action inspired by the martial arts and parkour. There have been many attempts at combining the side-scrolling platformer and...