I am an indie developer and the leader of BetaDreams. Let's see if we can get some games up here...

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Funding from government!

BetaNium Blog

Yay! We just got some very good news! BetaDreams is going to get funding of 500-3000€ from our government!

This will greatly help us towards our goals! Now we are going to have mini-budget compared to the zero-budget :D

Now I shall continue the level creator!

Why does this content have to be at least 300 characters long? I have other things to do than just extending this short info post.


BetaNium Blog

Block Planets got to the Top 100 of IOTY! Thanks everyone for voting! :D

Next thing is the Top 10 voting! And we are pretty much ready to release the game too, but some minor things need to be done before that, like medium graphics settings as the low and high settings are so far apart from each other that it is needed to have a medium setting.

Block Game!

BetaNium Blog

Our side project, codename "Block Game" has been taken to be our current main project and to be released in ONE MONTH! The game is in speed development and all the members of our team have commited to work as well and fast they can, so we can make the release of our first own game true! Stay tuned for updates!

iBob The Blob?

BetaNium Blog

Bloggediblogblog everyone! I am writing this blog post since I am waiting that our newest Dev diary gets authorized by the indieDB staff. So there are many updates which are explained in the dev diary but one we left out as it is not 100% sure that we are going to do it. We now would be able to make an Mac version of Bob the Blob! But the question is, should we? If you would like to increase the odds of Mac release you could post an comment bellow!

Finally it is ready!

BetaNium Blog

The last demo build is now ready and tested to work well! Now I just take a break for couple of minutes and then start releasing it all over the internet! I hope you like it. Whoa this is a short blog post. After the demo release I have to start working on dev diary #4, which will explain the makings of the demo in depth.

Uh oh!

BetaNium Blog

The demo is in final testing stages! Aaaand kaboom... something mysterious has happened. Suddenly all Depth Of Field, Bloom and emissive effects have disappeared :O. I have been crawling trough 490 000 lines of code and config files but there is no an answer yet. I feel very tired, the coffee has run out and I feel sorry because of you have to wait some more time because of this. One option would be to release the demo without DOF, Bloom and emissive materials, after all it's not so big difference and it's only graphical. What do you guys think?

Meeting was a success!

BetaNium Blog

Our Meeting was a success! An I even got the damn bug fixed before the testings and it all went well. The game behaved as expected in multiplayer and was fun to play, but we found a lot of bugs too. That's not a bad thing, because it's better to find them in testings than after release and now I have a lot of work to do again. Whew! I was scared that I might end up without any bugs :D! Anyway, we are going to release the multiplayer video maybe next week. I got the gameplay clips edited for the video, but we still need to shoot something that I'm not going to tell right now...

About the demo! I think that we will be able to release it in 3 weeks, I still have to make the main menu, intro in-game video and all of the levels are not yet done. I have this little thing called ( car ) driving school that is slowing the development down a little bit, but we''ll get it done. See ya next time! ZZing!

Edit: and oh yeah both the BetaDreams and the Bob the Blob websites are now ready!

Update of the lone programmer

BetaNium Blog

WHEW! At last the most part of the Bob the Blob multiplayer code is done (I think so...) ! Only this one 'tiny' persistent detail bug has remained after hundreds of dev hours. That's the thing that in multiplayer when you absorb a special mode blob your appearance should change for the other players too... Oh well, I have couple days time to fix it before our team meet up, which is supposed to be a multiplayer mega test weekend to hunt down the hidden bugs. We are probably going to make a video or two of the multiplayer for you too! We got some new sweet sweet effects and post processing in the game now, maybe you see some of it in the upcoming videos. I wish that I didn't have to go to school this week at all, could help a lot with this.

I think we might get Bob released at the summer! ( That was not an announcement, just thinking. )

Bob the blob multiplayer

BetaNium Blog

I have been coding the Bob the Blob multiplayer for two weeks now and it's starting to get it's shape. After a lot of sighing and raging with the Unreal networking architechture, I have to admit that it's very powerfull and well thought system. I have never even touched any game networking code and I am clad that I have figured the system in less than 3 weeks.

Other amazing thing was that BetaDreams visited the FrozenByte studio! We learned much about game industry and game making. Thank you FrozenByte for having time for us, it is great to have such companies to help out the starting indie developers like us.

Making the BetaDreams Website

BetaNium Blog

First blog post!

My blog is going to be my diary mostly related to our game studio and our games and I will update it when I have time. I hope that some people think my blog interesting enough to follow.

Today I have mostly been making our website so we can start adding media and news on it too. I have been thinking, could some special kind of bunny hopping be good feature to bob the blob? We''ll have to try that but I'll leave that for tomorrow.

I also have been surfing indieDB a lot today and thanked everyone personally for commenting our thingies. I am very happy about the popularity we have gained today on indieDB thanks to our new teaser which we made yesterday!

Thank you everyone and good night! Zzing!