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Comment History
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ Radial Quickslots v1.1.0

Think they mean the four items you bind to f1-f4?

Good karma+4 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ maximum suit parameters
Is an English mod that does this and more for those that were intrigued by the title.

Good karma+5 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ ARX module 1 - SPAWN SYSTEM(s) module(s)

It seems like this addon is not compatible with the new zones added to the game through since no artefacts spawn in the new zones while ARX is installed.
Which you know, makes me sad.

Good karma+1 vote
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ World Spawns Rework [BETA V1.2]

Nice addon, however it does not work with the two new zones ( and the addon that adds dynamic loot spots ( crashes on game start with the error


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: e:/anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\game_setup.script:720: bad argument #1 to 'random' (number expected, got nil)

So maybe you want to look into making a patch or something (unless they are supposed to be incompatible)?
As it is I'll just not use the new maps and stick to your addon.

Good karma+1 vote
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ iTheon's PDA Taskboard

Nice, no need to feel bad about abusing that then!

Good karma+2 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ [1.5.2] Banjaji's Price extractor

Okay, so I got it working. It didn't want to run when I had E/ the first time so had to reinstall the add-on in MO2 and then it worked (for some reason, checked the two scripts in winmerge and they were identical). it does however crash before fully finishing.


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...y 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\banjaji_extractor.script:305: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'multiplier' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Good karma+2 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ [1.5.2] Banjaji's Price extractor

Yes, didn't save it though, lmao.
Doesn't seem to run though. Unsure what "Try it with only one category first to test output!" exactly entails and do not have the time to mess around with that on my own right now. I'm guessing I just have to give the script the instructions on what to look for, I just have no idea what that'd be.
I assume I'm missing something obvious here?

Good karma+1 vote
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ [1.5.2] Banjaji's Price extractor


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...y 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\banjaji_extractor.script:203: attempt to index local 'file' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Happens every time. On new game and loading older saves. Through MO2 and modded exes. With or without any mods.

Good karma+2 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ iTheon's PDA Taskboard

There are some cases of the same exterminate stalkers or mutants kind of tasks are given by both average stalkers and taskgivers (such as barkeep in Rostok). So you can get multiple rewards for a single task, is this something that's a vanilla Anomaly issue that the taskboard just allows us to see clearer?

Good karma+2 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ Atmospherics | ANOMALY - GAMMA - EFP

Oh, I recognize that x3004 error. If I recall correctly it was resolved on my end by reinstalling Enhanced Color Grading, with the option shader_param controls - Simple.

This was without Hippos shader and atmospherics though, I think it was a problem between BaS and Enhanced Color Grading or something.

Good karma+2 votes
badgerwaffleton - - 12 comments @ [1.5.2] Run Timer

I get extreme lag when using this, FPS stays at around 100 but it looks like its running at around 10-15 fps.
The clock also only ever updates when I press or release a key that affects the UI, like opening inventory or aiming down sights.
It also activates mini-map even if it's off in settings.
And the F11 key does nothing.
It also deactivates a lot of other add-ons that affect UI, mouse over transfer items and quick melee attack.
Oh, and starting a new game sends me to the test level instead of my chosen starting point.

This is on MO2 and with modified binaries from Demonized. And anomaly 1.5.1, is this incompatible with 1.5.1? MO2 also does not see anything conflicting with your addon nor is it affected by load order. That's the load order I am using.

Good karma+1 vote