RSS Reviews

1257AD - Enhanced Edition

Mod review

Troop and weapon balance is all over the place. Smack an armoured crossbowman over the head five times with a two handed axe that deals over 40 pierce damage, nothing much happens. That same crossbowman turns around and twats you with a shortsword against your padded gambeson and kills you with a single blow.

Now, if you know even the slightest thing about combat and warfare in this period, you'd know why that shouldn't be the case.

I suggest the mod creator take five seconds and do some research into weapon usage in the time period.


Bellum Imperii

Mod review

I give this a mod a solid 0 dead looters out of 11 dead tribal recruits.

I genuinely do not understand how you can screw up a mod so badly from the get go that an equal force of recruits versus basic early game looters die without killing anything in about five seconds flat.


Between Empires

Mod review

One of the most ambitious mods I've seen since I first starting playing Warband several years ago.

The quality of assets and features is truly astounding, how the developers got any of it to work is far beyond me.

There are some problems with crashes (I suggest textures on demand/single threading for maximum stability) as well as some problems with AI formations and serving in divisions (Lord's Armies) with the modified freelancer feature.

All in all worth a download.


The Great War

Mod review

Very fun, went well until a few days ago when it would crash randomly or on my next turn. Fresh install hasn't fixed this and I had 5.1 and 5.1.3 installed the first time. MG bunker is game breaking and causes crashes and tanks are buggy, but as tanks aren't normally in the game I'll let that slide. The large amount of bugs ruined this for me, so it's not getting the full 8/10 I would have given it under normal circumstances.