All of the thanks to goes to Carnius for a great mod, I am thankful that you are kind enough to make this for me and the rest of the CNC community, without caring about any kind of pay or reimbersment. I and, I believe the rest of the CNC community really just want to say, THANKS CARNIUS! and thank you for coming to TEF.

Forum Thread
1.51 bug list (Groups : Tiberium Essence Fans : Forum : General Banter : 1.51 bug list) Locked
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Starfox100 "Inferno Phoenix" field Commander
Jun 6 2012 Anchor

New list for the new version. keep your eyes open for anything odd. :)
For a better gameplay.

Edited by: Starfox100


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May the fox be with you...

Jun 6 2012 Anchor

i have a huge problem with 1.51!! when i play this mod my brain blow up from awesomeness!!! how can i fix it?! :D

GoldenArbiter Proud servant of Kane
Jun 6 2012 Anchor

Nod anti infantry turret upgrade: "Purchase at Secret Shirne"

ahrimansiah wrote: i have a huge problem with 1.51!! when i play this mod my brain blow up from awesomeness!!! how can i fix it?! :D

you want to fix it?


"Before enlightenment: Chop wood, fetch water. After enlightenment: Chop wood, fetch water." -zen proverb

Starfox100 "Inferno Phoenix" field Commander
Jun 6 2012 Anchor

GoldenArbiter wrote:

ahrimansiah wrote: i have a huge problem with 1.51!! when i play this mod my brain blow up from awesomeness!!! how can i fix it?! :D

you want to fix it?

Well, That's a really good question. with a good and simple answer to it ;)
but i suggest to go with the flow.

Edited by: Starfox100


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May the fox be with you...

Jun 6 2012 Anchor

Hi thanks again for update, so for bug/glitches (or whatever it called) as for me the only left are minor issues:


sniper - since 'pulse scan' is removed, description of 'pulse scan' in build tab should not there anymore.
medic - when u click on the unit,theres a 'tools' icon should be removed/replaced.
firehawk - im not sure about the weapon damage. Stratofighter is a abilities now, description of 'stratofighter booster' upgrade should be removed.
zone commando - not sure if it intentional, jump jet ability does not have a cooldown time.


militant rifle squad - the weapon muzzleflash is not at the right place/position.
harpy - description of the 'signature generator' still mention Venom.
cyborg hijacker - able to capture your own unit.
sam turret, and reaper- im not sure about the anti-air damage of these two.
cyborg commando - 'stealth generator' upgrade is currently free, it should have some price. And please Carnius return TiberianSun firing sound.


light forcefield generator upgrade - when u click on units, it still says research at 'tech assembler', it supposed to be at nerve center.
devourer - description 'vehicle force field' in build tab, it supposed to be the Light Force Field generator at nerve center.
pacifier - teleport beacon upgrade has a 'MISSING...' description.

Smallchange GDI, 101st Airborn Division, Firehawk Pilot
Jun 6 2012 Anchor


terraforming torpedo does not do kill Tiberium Silos (the map ones, not the GDI/Nod ones ;P) it just barely hurts them :P

Edited by: Smallchange

Jun 6 2012 Anchor

These are the bugs i have found:


Mutants: as mentioned by Carnius of shift click to bypass 3 limit, i found out another way to obtain unlimited mobile sensor array by creating the unit, deploying it and you can create the unit again (repeat process for unlimited units)


- Engineer description says it can capture walker husk, which is not possible anymore.
- Power Plants when about to build says in description > upgrade: advanced turbines +15 power but when its built and you are gonna upgrade it doesn't mention anything about "+15 power" like Nod or scrin equivalent have in their description.
- Disk thrower squad -> it should be Disc thrower squad (correct) - this misspelling is also mentioned in composite armor upgrade at armory. (Has plagued this mod a long time:P)
- Goliath APC and Mobile emp cannon vehicles and their build icons have one side the GDI logo "flipped" - facing the wrong way, in comparison with other vehicles ( a retexturing and redone build icons is needed) Picture: (This bug persist from 1.5 beta)
- GDI Powers "Drop pods" description do not mention at all that the Zone trooper comes as "Veteran".


- Militant rifle squad muzzle flash is not where it should be, as mentioned by redbee7
- Shadow squad ability "minature bombs" have a misspelling "Dropp several miniature bombs" --> Drop (correct)
- Banshee when selected and you hover your mouse to ur upgrades, it says "afterburner" when the true name is "Supersonic booster"
- Shredder and Sting turret in the description says "turret" where now there is more than one, --> "Turrets" (correct)
- The ability "Hallucinating grenade which is granted to most infantry by "black hand elite" upgrade have a misspelling in the ability description "imediately"
--> should be "immediately" (Correct)
- All infantry upgraded with "black hand elite" when hovering on selected infantry to upgrades, the icon says "confessor" this should be "black hand Elite"
- Avatars (and all their upgrades) have something off with the"muzzle flash/firing animation" with the lasers not correctly positioned or is it just me?


- Assimilator description says it can capture walker husk, which is not possible anymore.
- Shock troopers in description have long spaces in text, ...blink packs
- Harvesters have amphibious mode but in unit description, this is not mentioned at all.
- Light forcefield generator upgrade at nerve center have a misspelling in text "stromrider" should be "Stormrider" (Correct)
- Tiberium integration upgrade at stasis chamber also apply to stalwarts, but this is not mentioned in Upgrades description.
- Teleport beacon for pacifiers have a text error in icon on selected pacifiers that says"Missing: upgradetype alienteleporthomer"as mentioned by redbee7 aswell.
- Growth accelerator in text description have to much spaces to the left >>> ...Increases tiberium...

Random Suggestions
- I think Orcas transports in general are too slow, possible to speed up a bit?
- Rename Tech lab of Nod for a Unique name >>> "Pyramid of Nod" (Thou that would require changing all the words "tech lab" is mentioned:P) lol i dont think this will happen.
- Rename Sam turret to "Sam Site" it would make more sence, since there's no longer several turrets.

Edited by: Fox2503

Starfox100 "Inferno Phoenix" field Commander
Jun 7 2012 Anchor

redbee7 wrote:
cyborg hijacker - able to capture your own unit.

And NOT capable to capture enemy units.


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May the fox be with you...

Jun 8 2012 Anchor
It shold be fixed. I have a question, too. Why tiberium, during harvesting process, simply appears or disappears? You should add growing and rework harvesting animations :moddb:

Jun 8 2012 Anchor

Corruptor made contaminators are controllable,which is nice,but they havent any sight range,which isnt. Brain blown up by awesomeness.We all "suffer" really terribly from it.. Confessors are sitting on roof of bunker no more right? Than everything except already spoken of should be alright. Only a refinery as a requirement for power plant upgrade of Scrin. GDI has radar and NOD secret shrine. Maybe stasis chamber should be requirement instead of early refinery.
I felt like ***** when I captured mere Wolverine with Cyborg Hijacker.Just compare the price.Pacifiers that takes control of everything else I would ever want to if I will leave them for 5 seconds alone. But mostly, bugs consist of Carnius's everlasting problems with english grammar. :D I am also for renaming of NOD tech lab to ,well we already have Temple of NOD,Obelisk so the only other "egyptian" names are..pyramid,tomb,catacomb,crypt.Oh,NOD are not some undead. And Secret shrine to something like Cyborg factory,or production plant or anything. I dont think cyborgs are so mysterious or devotional to come from "secret shrine."

Starfox100 "Inferno Phoenix" field Commander
Jun 8 2012 Anchor

Frostshooter wrote:
It shold be fixed. I have a question, too. Why tiberium, during harvesting process, simply appears or disappears? You should add growing and rework harvesting animations :moddb:

seen that bug in almost every mod and normal game. got to do with the amount of room the harvester got to drive in and out. in this case you can see there is not enough space for that somehow.

I have seen in the world builder you made gates for GDI. only not yet working properly and also not yet usable in the game.
is this something where you were working on? i would enjoy it to see the working version of it :)


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May the fox be with you...

GoldenArbiter Proud servant of Kane
Jun 9 2012 Anchor

When Banshees are targeting a bunker, or civilian structure, they have the 'Clear Garrison' icon, but they do not clear the garrison.


"Before enlightenment: Chop wood, fetch water. After enlightenment: Chop wood, fetch water." -zen proverb

Jun 9 2012 Anchor

I was playing as Nod in
the Amazon Dessert mission where I have to protect my Research lab but had to restart
because all of the Tiberium fields would not regrow. On second play through after restart, I noticed all of the green Tiberium fields stop growing once depleted but the blue field in the east is very slowly regrowing. The enemies green field has no such issues. I am sure this is not supposed to be this way but I don't remember for sure.

Jun 10 2012 Anchor

just a spelling problem

gdi reactive armor upgrade - 'wolwerines'
nod militant squad H grenade - 'imediately'

it seems theres not much bug left to report, hope u can fix all the reported from the community.

i found two more,

nod black hand commando (yeah the ninja babe) - she sounded a man voice when dead, why dont u give her a sexy voice :P
gdi Mammoth MkII - description spelling , "can 'shood' over structures and wall"

Edited by: toph16

GooberTrooper Nod Global Operations Commander
Jun 10 2012 Anchor

When a Wolverine is damaged and told to return to a War Factory it will revert to its old voice, which I prefer, TBH.
Mammoth MKII does not benefit from the rank up support power.


"War is timeless, and so are we."~ Forgotten Tick Tank

Starfox100 "Inferno Phoenix" field Commander
Jun 11 2012 Anchor

GooberTrooper wrote: When a Wolverine is damaged and told to return to a War Factory it will revert to its old voice, which I prefer, TBH.
Mammoth MKII does not benefit from the rank up support power.

It's the reason that it was made for small units. otherwise you have right away a veteran MK2. so you could say balance reasons.


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May the fox be with you...

Jun 12 2012 Anchor


- Laser Fence = The lasers between the fence poles are barely visible, weak transparent light. Was this intentional? or is it just my computer?

- Rename the "Air tower" to something else (example: "Airbase") since it's not tower like structure anymore since the makeover.
- This may sound hard but is it possible to bring back the firestorm generator defense building to GDI? i was thinking this could be a secondary superweapon of some sorts that is expensive, require tech center and high power cost. Instead of the "wall building" first what if the building itself projected the firestorm wall around the center of this building in a large radius(like nods stealth generator) that way you dont have to build the walls first. It could have a timer (just like ion cannon) example 5 minutes, when ready "activate firestorm defense" and a impenetrable barrier surrounds the firestorm generator in a large radius for 1 minute and anything that crosses the wall gets instantly destroyed including aircraft (Also your units aswell, buildings not affected). It will block all projectiles, missiles, lasers, energy fire (for balance reason maybe not superweapons) I highly doubt this will be implemented in sometime in the future because of code restrictions, but you can dream right:)
- GDI should have some economic building. There have been many discussion about this but I sincerely think GDI in late game is lacking in economy sence. What about a simple GDI resource building available after tech center cost 3000, high power cost and is the equivalent of "2 tiberium spikes" income?
-Nod should get a new building called "Tunnel network" it's a stealthed building where Nod units, both infantry and lightweight vehicles (bikes, buggy, scorpion etc) can use to transverse quickly to other "Tunnel network" building in another base or some other locations. This makes sence since Nod have several underground complex tunnels scatterd around the Earth. What to you think about this?

Edited by: Fox2503

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

visceroids when spawned in tiberium dont atack enemy's,they atack the tiberium crystals and compleatly ignore evrything around them.
jumpjets way to powerful,my base was air raped by those things even with 20+ aa guns firing at them.
cyborg commando seems to be to weak now,cant stand up to the mk2 anymore.
if carryalls stop landing when they go to pick up a unit they will rise back up and refuse to pick anything up.
game seems to crash from time to time "might be just me but its getting annoying".
carryall and condor seem to slow,easy targets for banshees and harpys wile nod transport is faster.
not only can you build 5 mutant units by shift+click but you can get up to 7"build 2 then shift click".
mutant rockets"now flack mutants" can only be built in old hovel in worldbuilder, they should be re added for campains.
the ai tends to get lost when there is a obstacle like a river even when there is a bridge in front of them,they will just circle around it.

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

i'm loving the orcas new load out, the mini gun tears through infantry (and GDI seem to lack anti-infantry equipment on veichles) and gives it a chance against aircraft

i also love he new tiberium sun terrain, it makes more sense, given that the world is meant to be getting worse due to tiberium infestation (yet in vanilla CNC3 it seems to have improved)

only thing is i don't seem to have the new terrain in world builder

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

i found some more,

Rift generator - i played as NOD and nuked the Scrin rift generator, the rift building's health goes red, but for unknown reason the building have a chance to became untargetable/unselectable for a moment. Thats a problem because the Rift is almost complete but i cannot destroy it, soon after that my base get rifted.

Apart from that, here is another spelling problem in their description :

scrin heavy forcefield generator - 'hitpoits','healt'
nod chemical missile - 'inficts','aditional'

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

I would really love it if the power plants and / or refinerys could look like the ones in Tiberian Sun. Just my thoughts since I have no idea whether you want to do that, how much work would be involved or if anyone else feels the same. I think it would add a great feeling to the game. Something always felt wrong about how EA made the Power Plants look in my opinion. On a different note, Ive played the unmodded Cnc3 on and off for years now but when I used to play the old Tiberian Sun, I remember playing for many hours. I found that after playing with the beta 1.5 TE Mod, it gave me that same Tiberian Sun feeling again and I ended up playing for many hours just like back in the days!

So just a big thanks to all of those involved in creating this mod (I know its just a few passionate fans).

GoldenArbiter Proud servant of Kane
Jun 13 2012 Anchor

Cncforever wrote: I would really love it if the power plants and / or refinerys could look like the ones in Tiberian Sun. Just my thoughts since I have no idea whether you want to do that, how much work would be involved or if anyone else feels the same. I think it would add a great feeling to the game. Something always felt wrong about how EA made the Power Plants look in my opinion. On a different note, Ive played the unmodded Cnc3 on and off for years now but when I used to play the old Tiberian Sun, I remember playing for many hours. I found that after playing with the beta 1.5 TE Mod, it gave me that same Tiberian Sun feeling again and I ended up playing for many hours just like back in the days!

So just a big thanks to all of those involved in creating this mod (I know its just a few passionate fans).

I completely agree with most of your points. I do prefer the old power plants, but I kind of like the new refinery's better. And I also loved Tiberian Sun enough that I would play it for hours. Yay TibSun.

So, Thank you Carnius (We should make a thank you thread...).


"Before enlightenment: Chop wood, fetch water. After enlightenment: Chop wood, fetch water." -zen proverb

Jun 14 2012 Anchor

i think that the new powerplants and refineries look alright, slightly more advanced and show that this is set years after TibSun

something i would like to see back in the mod is the air drop based reinforcment powers for GDI, i thing this really fits with their military doctrine of being a mobile force that drops into the area of conflict, as was shown in many of the GDI campaign missions on TibSun

carnius, keep up the excellent work

Jun 14 2012 Anchor

How long before the next bug fix is out?

Jun 15 2012 Anchor

Hey i was trying to add any maps besides the default ones, which seem to only add 4 diffrent TE maps, (Te_Dueling islands, TE_Duealing is lands classic, and 2 others...) But every map i add, even the
Rimtech TE Map Pack 2, I add them to C:\Users\"My Name"\AppData\Roaming\Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\Maps . Folder, but none of them every show up in scrimish. What am i doing wrong? I Have the pirated version, BUT with a working CD-key, as i broke my original game disc. Maybe if someone can point me to a working IMAGE of the game, so i can DL and install it, this might be effecting it? But i do not think so, as i can play them maps when the mod is not active. I do not have a Control Center, so i have to manually modify the targeting on the CNC 3 Shortcut to get the mod working. Would love to be able to play other maps, so any help would be awesome.

Anyone know how to fix this? It's driving me insane!

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