Alienware Prize SponsorOne of the hottest shooters of the year is also the most editable. Far Cry 2's Dunia engine powers the incredible visuals behind this game - from dense African jungles to the dynamic fire propagation. Best of all, the game's WYSIWYG level editor puts all of this power at your fingertips. You can design your own African-themed adventure in just a few hours. But it takes more than a little gumption to create a multiplayer level that's worth playing. ModDB presents the Far Cry 2 level editor contest; create your own multiplayer level for Far Cry 2 & you could win great prizes thanks to Alienware


To enter the competition, please fill in your details below. Once you have done that you will be given instructions to submit your level to be judged by Ubisoft Far Cry 2 developers and the ModDB team. Thanks for competing, we hope you have enjoyed playing with the glorious Dunia engine and have learnt a lot - talking to the other mappers on our forum. We look forward to fragging on your map. Good luck!

Far Cry 2 Competition Submission