Zomble Outbreak is a game where you will ether control the virus or the government forces to try and eliminate the humans or the Zombles. The main core the game will be built around is a small town (as large as I can make it while keeping the performance high), each citizen will have their daily routine to add some depth to the simulation. As things go wrong they will start to barter with each other for supplies or flee in droves to a safe zone. My main inspiration for this was a old game called Zombie Outbreak Simulator Class 3, a game which the pre alpha emulates. The Alpha of the game will consist of getting a toybox ready where you input the settings then sitback and watch with more gameplay stuff being focused in the Beta. Hope you enjoy it and please give me your feedback you also have my permission to monetize videos with this game.

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Zomble Outbreak Pre Alpha

Zomble Outbreak Pre Alpha


This is what I have dubbed the Pre Alpha, this is a recreation of the game that inspired it hitting all the same points it had. Since I have made this...