Xoi San is a 2d Platformer where you assume the role of a bushman. On your journey you can call on Leopards, Elephants and giant Eagles to assist in killing your enemies. You also get to ride a rhino and stomp your enemies to the ground. Story At peace with the world, you witness a terrible thing. Poachers came and poached a baby Rhino. You go on a journey to find and return the baby to its mother. Features Summon Leopards Summon Elephants Summon Giant Eagles Ride on a Rhino to stomp enemies Use combo attacks

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Xoi San being renamed. Development more focused

Xoi San being renamed. Development more focused


Xoi San has been in development on and off. Mostly off due to funding limitations.

Still here.

Still here.


Hi. Please note the game is still in the pipeline. Switching to UE4 proved to a be learning curve. I have created some content but will hold off on showing...

Game is moving to a new engine

Game is moving to a new engine

News 2 comments

Hi. After some beta tests it became apparent that the games performance was a bit slow on lower end machines. Previously i used an HTML5 engine. I am...

Playable Beta coming this week

Playable Beta coming this week

News 2 comments

We have been hard at work polishing everything we can. GamePlay mechanics, enemies, difficulty and powerups.

Deadline imminent

Deadline imminent


Been play testing a lot and fixing bugs. The deadline is approaching fast. Working 18 hours a day does not seem to make any difference. Almost all bugs...

Update list of Xoi San

Update list of Xoi San


Still hard at work. Aiming to release the demo on Friday if all goes well. If not it will have to be postponed until outstanding issues are resolved if...

Working hard to get a demo out

Working hard to get a demo out


With the release around the corner on some platforms we are working hard to get playable demo out to the public. I have requested for linux users to assist...