Where is Gavin is a Physics Based Vehicle Construction Game. Trapped on a Desert Island, you must explore, scavenge and shoot your way around the world, collecting supplies and components, which you can then use to construct some kind of crazy contraption capable of getting you one Island Closer to Home! Each level starts with an objective to be met, which is free form and totally down to the player to devise a contraption capable of completing it in whichever way they see fit! Use Wheels, Vertical Rocket Motors, Horizontal Rocket motors and more to create a vehicle capable of completing the goal! This wont always be as simple as reaching a certain point and as you venture out of the tutorial area the levels will get much larger, more complex and include multiple goals and locations to achieve and explore! Please Consider Supporting the project through sharing videos, pictures, links and dontating or streaming your playthroughs (I would enjoy seeing them!)




