Embark on a perilous journey in "Two Souls," a challenging 2D platformer where danger lurks around every corner. Navigate through intricate levels filled with levers, switches, and ladders that open doors, unfold platforms, and grant access to hidden areas. Master the art of pushing and destroying barrels and crates, strategically using them to clear obstacles or create pathways. Climb towering ladders to reach inaccessible spots and uncover secrets.

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Two Souls - in-level checkpoints support added

Two Souls - in-level checkpoints support added


Introducing Checkpoints: A Game-Changer for Two Souls.

Two Souls Playtest on Steam

Two Souls Playtest on Steam


Experience the Thrill: Two Souls Now Available on Steam as Playtest.

Devlog #6 - Auras

Devlog #6 - Auras


Today we will talk about auras that can attracts players and environment in various ways.

Devlog #5 - Potions

Devlog #5 - Potions


In this devlog I am talking about potions that our heroes can drink and which will affect their health or physical parameters.

Devlog #4 - Interactive items

Devlog #4 - Interactive items


In this devlog I am talking about various interactive items and actions our heroes can perform on them.

Devlog #3 - Switches

Devlog #3 - Switches


Third devlog that shows basic mechanics about Two Souls. Here I am talking about switches.

Devlog #2 - Doors and levers

Devlog #2 - Doors and levers


Second devlog that shows basic mechanics: how doors and levers works.

Devlog #1 - Steering

Devlog #1 - Steering


First devlog that shows basic mechanics about Two Souls.