Welcome to your new job at Polly and Friends Funhouse! Begin your nights in the office but you are free to roam the enviroment to check on the companys much loved animatronics. As the new toy animatronics are not malfunctioning then they may be able to defend you from the creatures of the dark. Two levels above and four levels below. Time goes by but your shift never ends. How long can you survive? Just to clear things up, this game is made in Unreal Engine 4. This game will look amazing when it's finished because it will have HD graphics, amzing models (E_A models) and moving animatronics (they will chase you).

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TROP is back on gamejolt but....

TROP is back on gamejolt but....


So as many of you already know The Rise of Polly is back on gamejolt on a friends account :) However this page will still remain as I am planning to release...

TROP on IndieDB

TROP on IndieDB


I have my reasons. Some kid kept being a dick and kept and rated the old page 1 500 times so I changed to IndieDB. I understand it's better on Gamejolt...