Trailblaze is the love child of "Dwarf Fortress" and "The Settlers 3" with influences of "Don't Starve", "Harvest Moon" and "Diablo3", while being cute, yet atmospheric. Trailblaze takes established sandbox, survival and village building conventions and attempts to create a fresh, captivating experience that feels new to fans of those genres. Your village is the center of the Trailblaze experience, however, you will quickly realize the world does not revolve around you and your plans. Set up guards and walls to protect working villagers. Fend off savages and unpredictable monsters to protect your people. Go on dangerous missions to obtain rare items and resources for your smiths. Don't just survive in this world--thrive in it. Make Trailblaze your own. Built with Unity, it will be available on Windows, Mac and Linux. This indie game is currently a personal solo-dev project realized by Max Heyder Art. I will need your support to make this game come to life.

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April/May 2017 screenshot dump

April/May 2017 screenshot dump


A collection of screenshots done since April for my personal project called "Trailblaze".