'Torak' follows a feline-like creature on his adventures to rescue his family, abducted by a parasitic alien species known only as the Vermalisk. After returning from training, Torak discovers his home planet infested by Skungeweed tumors laid by the Vermalisk spawn, sucking out the very essence of the planet. The game is a 3rd person single-player adventure game featuring an extraordinary world with diverse ecosystems, destructive enemies, epic boss battles, innovative gameplay and the ability to control your own army of elemental minions. You can assist Torak on his quest for revenge and enjoy exploring the planet’s various lands while searching for Skunge Tumours and gaining essense based abilities.
Hello again to all our fans!
We wanted to send out a special thankyou to everyone who helped us with our massive achievement tonight. Not only did we jump rank from around 1200 to 32, but we also gained some very special watchers. To everyone who helped, we couldn't have made such a big splash, what with our game being headlined and all, without each and every one of you.
We hope that you all continue to follow our progress, and definitely keep in touch with us, as we definitely plan to expand our game to include more levels, more variety of characters, and new skills.
We also have some other games in development, being Light Fight from the 2012 48 hour game making challenge, and some new fresh ones being fleshed out over the Christmas period. Once again, you have all been super amazing and supportive, and definitely tell your friends about us, the more fans and friends we can get, the happier everyone will be!
Carrot Studios are proud to release their first indie game, "Torak", available for download now!
Torak 1.0 for Mac is the first full release of the much anticipated game developed by Carrot Studios. Quick click the download and play Torak for FREE!
Torak 1.0 for Windows is the first full release of the much anticipated game developed by Carrot Studios. Quick click the download and play Torak for...
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looks interesting I'll try it out :)
Thanks! Be sure to let us know what you think :)
The engines custom built? It looks a lot like Unity to me...
All fixed, Thanks for pointing it out :D
Hey AudioGhostX. Your absolutely right, it is Unity. Sorry for any confusion for some reason Unity isn't listed as an engine for us but I will endeavour to have this sorted soon.
For now I have updated to the unknown engine as a placeholder.