A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Trouble getting people to join me. (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Tips and Tricks : Trouble getting people to join me.) Locked
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Jan 29 2015 Anchor

First off, I have to say this game is amazing. I hope you are planning a sequel with some more in depth mechanics and larger hordes ( the soundtrack could use work lol feels a bit out of place). On to my question, I'm having trouble recruiting people to my community. I still have the same three from the beginning and I've done all the quests at Kohai and the feuding food gangs. I've started traveling north into maddalena an Los ceros. I'd like to expand my roster before taking extra bodies up north where the red eyes are.

Jan 31 2015 Anchor

Certain people at Fort Kohai will join you, e.g. Sarah Slaughter. What does she say when you ask her? They have to have a good opinion of you, but after you've done the quests that will normally be the case. Unless you tried to mug them earlier or something, in which case try to give them gifts to get on their good side again.

With the Fat Neils and McCoys, if you tip them into war then one side will win and will then be prepared to join you.

Also when you're clearing out looter gangs the last one alive usually surrenders and can be recruited.

May 3 2015 Anchor

I'm trying to get people to join me aswell like for the awardments whats the best way to do this? Connie reed is hard to get on your side

May 4 2015 Anchor

Having the brain scanner really helps. If you haven't got it yet, a quest to get it will be triggered as part of Alice and Isham's storyline, once Alice has a certain amount of insulin.

There are two components to people's opinion of you: Approval and Respect. You can gain approval by giving gifts - Connie likes classic novels. Best way to get Respect is by doing quests for different people in a community, but that's difficult with Connie as she doesn't belong to a big community. Other ways to get respect are selling people things, healing them, killing zombies or looters in their presence and saving them from zombies. So try leading some zombies to her and killing them :)

May 5 2015 Anchor

Yeah I've gave her 2 classic novels 2 fine wine and traded some supplies but she still says no thanks I'm not getting far with her :/

Oh and also i lured infected to her and killed them but still a no lol

Nov 6 2015 Anchor

let one bite her and give her antigen (I recommend green strain)

Dec 26 2015 Anchor

The part of the game about makeing freinds with people and recuite them is just too limited and seriously lacking. Not every one has enough gold to trade with em and make a large enough difference in Approval, not every one can be challenged to fisticuffs to raise respect, its to much hassle to find zombies and get em close enough to them to gain respect with the kill, and even when you do it doesnt make nearly enough difference to respect to be viable. The fastest and best way to accomplish the task right now only seems to be through cheating unfortunatly. Maybe some tweeks and changes will one day be made to change all this but I wouldn't keep my hopes up too high.

Edited by: tgbowman

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