A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Tips for dealing with swarming FEMA personnel? (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Spoilers : Tips for dealing with swarming FEMA personnel?) Locked
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May 16 2014 Anchor

I'm at the point where I'm exploring the FEMA facility in the southwestern portion of the map, but I have a problem where at least a battalion of FEMA soldiers and scientists wipe the floor with everyone regardless of whether I rescue Charley or not. The only combat-capable away team I have are the following out of a community of 17 survivors:

Joe Wheeler
Sarah Slaughter
Elfego Arcine
Lawrence Bradshaw
Lou Graybill.

All of the five people I mentioned are given skill books to max out their firearms and fitness skills, while Slaughter is a combat medic.

The only ones that I have on guard duty are the following:

Nat Powers
Maud Gilbert.

Everyone else I had on farming duty. As of writing this post, I'm re-doing the assault on the Los Creos base. Not sure if I should create an alliance with them for the extra manpower, or sacrifice that chance by keeping Elfego onboard. Thanks in advance for upcoming advice!

May 16 2014 Anchor

FEMA have a leader called Clara Allison who will surrender if you get to her - she has a white coat and cowboy hat.

Other than that I'd say just round up the farmers and go all-in! Sure a few of them will die but it's nearly the end of the game. Also note the FEMA area can be entered by blowing up fences further south from the gates the quest directs you to, might be easier to take a large army in that way as they're more open.

May 16 2014 Anchor

I went in the way it said with an RPG and blew my way up straight to the leader and no one got killed :D

Apr 11 2015 Anchor

Once war is declared with FEMA, will they attack my camp? I sent in one poor sob alone to get hit with the initial RPG and then hightailed it back to my camp to await the attack that has not yet come.

May 26 2015 Anchor

@Jpb103: I know it's been a couple of years since I posted, so here I go. Playing a defensive war with FEMA is suicide, period. They are all heavily armed, and will make mince-meat out of your group and reduce your camp to ashes. I'd say they are on par with Los Ceros in terms of an uphill battle.

Nov 17 2015 Anchor

I took down los ceros without firing a shot.

want to know how?

Dec 19 2015 Anchor

yeah would love to know how?

This clara alison... exacly how you supposed to just get to her? No matter what tactic I try both los ceros and the fema people kill all 28 of my people. No matter what weapons and gear they all got, no matter what enty point I choose, its just no way to win either battle, at least not with my current gear. I really hate games where there is no way to win. What would be awsome is if one shot to the head killed em every time regardless, and I could pause the game, tell my group to target the heads of enemys from command mode and kill them as they pop into view befor they even have time to react. But this is not so.

The only way to do it seems to sadly be with the "shakedown" option. Shakeing down the people of Los Ceros has yielded me another 4 rocket launchers, which along with my 7 sniper rifles may be enough to take on fema with far fewer losses on my side. And this option could also allow me to render los ceros virtualy defencless when the time comes for that war. Excluding of corse the people I cant rob in the inner circle area I cant get into without starting the war.

This is sad however that the only seemingly posible way to win is by robing people. If the game were more tactical there would be other ways of winning. Like Being able to tell people to go prone (So there harder to hit), target heads (so they can kill in a single shot), etc. etc. for example, would be some great tactical advantages that could allow these battles to be won with minnimal losses useing only the 6 or 7 sniper rifles I found through out the map while exploring and what not. But alas its not so. So I will try this "shakedown" stuff and see if FEMA is beatable with my newly aquired rocket launchers, and see if Los Ceros can be rendered defencless enough for that battle to be far easier.

---several hours later----

Wow it actually worked. I wiped out Fema going in the south entrance with 5 sniper rifles and 5 rocket launchers, and I only lost 1 guy, R.I.P. Lawrence Bradshaw. It took almost all my rockets, but the loot from the bodies and buildings afterwards was more than enough to make the loss of ammo and Lawrence acceptable. Now to finish up shakeing down every one in los ceros I can befor I try to take on that war. The bar for neutralizing all threats in the region is almost full so I hope this is the last battle I need to do to fill it. There are still a few small areas on the map that remain unexplored so I may still be missing a couple of looter, bandit , or highwaymen camps. I've barely scratched the surface on getting 100,000 gold so I hope after the los ceros battle I will have access to the gold bunker and it contains enough gold to finish this game and unlock the cheats. I hope, I hope!! :)

Edited by: tgbowman

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