A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Things that (probably) would be good for this game (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Suggestions and Ideas : Things that (probably) would be good for this game) Locked
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May 31 2014 Anchor

Ok im not going to lie but survivalist is probably the best game I ever played EVER! Especially when (Look away spoilers just skip to ideas if you haven't progressed far into the story) it turns out alice is a special infected who became diabetic because of FEMA's tests. It all adds up when you think about it. The talking zombie saying she knows her and everything. Seriously good writing so its hard thinking of improvements. But still I think some good things to add to this already amazing game is this.

1. When you take a enemy base you can claim it as your own. I know you can kind of do this but still.

2. Wild animals that can be hunted for food and stuff because seriously I think I would go crazy if I had to eat corn day in day out.

3.More jobs eg: Hunter, doctor, scavenger (someone who just brings back any building materials and food or just anything they find that would be useful)

4.Be able to repair cars or salvage metal off them so you can reinforce walls and watch towers.

5.Surrender to a community if at war because I was at (Spoilers) war with the "We have a shit load of RPGs" guys and although I kicked ass and only lost 6 people I would have liked to avoid this at all cost. Also I think there should have been a choice with if we helped or not

6.More diabetic people or people with illnesses in general.
A zombie apocalypse wouldn't be all sunshine lollipops im sure some one would probably kill someone if it ment they got there medication in real life so I think it would bring more realism to the game. People should contact illnesses and need mediation but seriously if any other diabetic people joined id probably make em leave just saying because trust me I would have killed alice if she weren't essential to the story. So there could also be a medical tent with people with some medical training can heal the community and distribute meds.

7.break into other communities buildings and a stealth skill.
Trust me it would be cool sneaking into someones house robbing there stuff and leaving unnoticed. Also could have robbers break into your households.

8.When a house burns down you can salvage some stuff from the ruins and can also salvage a bit of wood.

9.Hold ransom for people. Eg: Go to a community and kidnapp someone or get them while there out there base. Send someone to deliver a ransom note demanding a certain amount of gold eg: 1-5000. The higher the price the less likely they will do it but the more hostages eg: 10 the more likely they are to pay so like. 1 for 1000 likley 2 for 1000 very likley ect.

10.More drinkable items. There is just water there should be stuff like cola or juice boxes. (Anti climax FTW)

Well thats all I could think of and of you accidentally read the spoilers
sorry my bad.

Jul 3 2014 Anchor

Thanks for this btw. This is sort of just to let you know I read it, as I'm currently working on porting the game to Windows. The general rule is I might add some small things to the existing game (#8 and #1 would be good), while larger suggestions may inform my next project/sequel/whatever.

I actually intended to do #7 originally, but cut it due to time. Would love to have stealth in general - but like I say, next project. #2, #6 and #4 would also be great, well they all would but those are my favourites.

Aug 13 2014 Anchor

My own long list
1: traveling friendly/neutral survivors that walk around the map (merchants?)
2 have survivors be able to leave the base for stuff like food (npc survivors because not every bandit camp is sell substainable)
3: dogs, wild and trained with various commands (can attack survivors but not zombies, agile, hunts if animals are added)
4: similarly to how state of decay gives you various skills, even trival ones. add in personality and occupational skills that change dialogue, increase/decrease skill progression, affect job performance, etc
5: add empty (destroyed/abandoned) survivor camps (small)
6: more types of crops
7: also make crop placement easier to set them up in rows or something
8: increase in blue strain zombies (I swear they are the least common of the 4)
9: have zombie packs (I don't know about looters) attack major npc camps
10: more buildings
11: ^ maybe if a electricity system was added you could turn wire fences into electrical fences
12: ^ make the zombie ai not smart enough to run around my gigantic frickin wall just because they know there's a tiny whole at the far end, zombies are stupid
13: new guns: revolver, bolt action rifle (single shot but powerful), standard frag, grenade launcher (0.50% stronger than rpg)
14: melee weapons (PUNCHING IS OP)
15: ^ scale punching to be harder with higher level zombies (humans are fine)
16: add reasons for exiling survivors
17: ^ also for as much as the main character is the leader I don't like that when a survivor leaves its his fault, its the community as a whole
18: more music tracks
19: survivors assign themselves a place to sleep and do not change it unless you change it
20: survivors who are hungry or thirsty (by like 25-30%, seriously) DONT leave the camp and either search for it of search for fellow survivors that have some
21: survivors do not automonusly cure themselves until a certain point but will hold into it indefinitely until use (similar to insulin)
22: add dialogue options between your group and another like waging war, setting up trade routes( 23: more roaming zombies (no higher than red)
24: light sources like flashlights, torches, etc

Edited by: ndelta6xxx

Dec 21 2014 Anchor

I'd like ef u could ad vehicles

I'd like ef u could ad vehicles

May 19 2015 Anchor

Yes, vehicles would be great, though postponing it for the next project could let the hopes of alot of people down. This game has lots of potential and only a little of it is used.

Aug 5 2015 Anchor

1. i believe you should be able to set a route for your builders and supply runners.

2. should set a perimeter for the farmers who are allowed to plant crops.

3. we need a few more towns to be able to visit.

4. more weapons.

5. please make it to where you can appoint another leader just incase joe dies.

6. more awardments.

7.it would also make the game more interesting if you add children, children making(able to have children), ability to marry, and ability to make people in your camp fall in love and marry and have kids

Feb 10 2016 Anchor

Do not add kids. If the kids can die it may cause a controversy.

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