A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Some ideas i would like to share to the developer that make this awesome indie game (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Tips and Tricks : Some ideas i would like to share to the developer that make this awesome indie game) Locked
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Apr 3 2014 Anchor

First of all, i am enjoying this game much more than a triple A , arcade or retail game. This are some ideas i would like the dev take in mind for the game, future expansion or a sequel if the game get well received like i hope.

- shortcuts to reach some important locations after discover it.
- improvements to the shelter like adding beds to lower your sleep meter faster.
- the chance to build traps to defend your bunker so if you are exploring the enemies can get killed if you are so far.
-Mark the exit doors of the towns that are fenced in the map so you find it more easy in the map.
- let followers guarding/defending the bunker.

Apr 3 2014 Anchor

Thanks, yep all good stuff. Traps would be great. I'm a bit skeptical about fast travelling, might do a fast forward button though.

(when I play Bethesda RPGs I always put off the moment when I start fast travelling for as long as possible and when I finally use it that generally marks the point when I realise I'm getting tired of the game).

As with all these suggestions threads I have to add that bigger ideas probably won't happen for a while, maybe in a sequel or something like you said.

Apr 4 2014 Anchor

No fast travelling! Every excursion should be worrying and dangerous.

Apr 4 2014 Anchor

I didn't mean FT at all , just shortcuts that what i said and is not the same thing ...like in Dead Rising 1 and 2 not DR 3. That can be via tunnels.

Apr 11 2014 Anchor

calwallace2007 wrote: No fast travelling! Every excursion should be worrying and dangerous.

I agree 100%

bad-instincts wrote: I didn't mean FT at all , just shortcuts that what i said and is not the same thing ...like in Dead Rising 1 and 2 not DR 3. That can be via tunnels.

Doesn't seem to realistic.

Edited by: PFMxLoCo

Apr 11 2014 Anchor

PFMxLoCo wrote:

Doesn't seem to realistic.

Games are not realistic. I get the hate for FT or shortcuts in games but to say is no realistic just for that, have no sense when your safehouse in the game is a bunker, so why must be the only one ? There can be 1 or two bunkers that you can use like tunnels.

Apr 11 2014 Anchor

bad-instincts wrote:

PFMxLoCo wrote:

Doesn't seem to realistic.

Games are not realistic. I get the hate for FT or shortcuts in games but to say is no realistic just for that, have no sense when your safehouse in the game is a bunker, so why must be the only one ? There can be 1 or two bunkers that you can use like tunnels.

I apologise if i came off as hateful, not my intention at all. I just think ft of any form should not be in this game. Think though, how much energy and time would you expend digging a hole from your bunker to even just the first town. I like the aspect of not being able to cross the map 5 times a day. Things take time and energy, and given its the apocalypse there are many other more justified ways to expend these key resources.

What do I recommend? Build a forward base camp in each town. that way on long trips you have somewhere semi safe to stay, It could be just a building on its own, or you could build a wall around it and give it some defence. But this allows you to store extra goods from town in one location so they can be moved to the bunker at a later time more conveniently.

Apr 12 2014 Anchor

So..... Here is what I plan to do. Chain link is virtually god is this game. CHAIN LINK SQUARES WITH TWO BARNS. EVERYWHERE! Roman Forts. Just leave them everywhere. Build a well and you have shlter and water to keep you going wherever you are.

Apr 13 2014 Anchor

PFMxLoCo wrote:

I apologise if i came off as hateful, not my intention at all. I just think ft of any form should not be in this game. Think though, how much energy and time would you expend digging a hole from your bunker to even just the first town. I like the aspect of not being able to cross the map 5 times a day. Things take time and energy, and given its the apocalypse there are many other more justified ways to expend these key resources.

What do I recommend? Build a forward base camp in each town. that way on long trips you have somewhere semi safe to stay, It could be just a building on its own, or you could build a wall around it and give it some defence. But this allows you to store extra goods from town in one location so they can be moved to the bunker at a later time more conveniently.

No need to apologize . I understand your point and the decision of the Developer to not include shortcuts and i do respect your opinion . I just wanted to share some thoughts about the game because i find it good and i would like it to get better. My only big frustration in the game is the diabetic lady ...keep me really busy to satisfy her and still cannot do a good fortress just because i need to look for insulin ...every time she die i restart the game so still no ending for me LOL.

What you said is a good idea ; although i noticed when you are tired you can rest in the houses that you found.

Apr 13 2014 Anchor

Yup, so if someone is out overnight, its not too bad, you can just camp up at a house. I also recommend venturing in groups, I usually use two guards and one pack mule. Its effective it moving large quantities. Lets just say the ammo store is now my bunker :P

Apr 13 2014 Anchor

My bunker is awful full of crap. It is also hard to reorganize some times.

Apr 13 2015 Anchor

Designate buildings for particular items. Over time followers will mess it up a bit, but its easy to maintain. Bunker holds most weight. So use it for all weapons, ammo, and gold, after finding the bouillion. I have an outhouse for quest items, keys, lockets, etc. One building for trade goods, like books, wine, chocilates, and for me, molotovs. The barn stores building materials, corn, waterihg cans and toolboxes, and the cooler stores all spare antigen. Last, build one shack close to the main entrance. In there, store corn, water, bandages, spare backpacks, skill books, body armor, etc. This is your 'prep station' to ready yourself on the way out. So you'd only have to stop by bunker, then the prep shack, and you're fully geared and resupplied. Lastly, build a shack (not barn, it holds too much and promotes procrastination, lol) Near one side of your entrance. That's the 'loot dump'. Drop evrrything there from each char on your way back into your base. (Not counting your weapons, ammo, needed things. Just the excess you picked up on your trip out). Doing it this way means that instead of leading every person in your group to multiple buildings, and having to sort one inventory after another, you can droo everything in one building, let your group go to sleep, and have your camp's designated, large-backpack wearin', fitness conscious, glorified mule of a logistcal engineering supervisory vice-assistant of camp deliveries junior associate of hauling do it all for you, sorting it out, putting it where it needs to go, making it far easier than juggling 2-5 different charachters inventories. And by the way, the 'mule'insists you use his full title. Or else he'll demote you to junior adjutant of solid waste removal. *whispers hushedly* gotta keep the peons happy, ya know? I'm damn sure not mucking out the outhouses.....

Apr 30 2015 Anchor

volyren wrote: large-backpack wearin', fitness conscious, glorified mule of a logistcal engineering supervisory vice-assistant of camp deliveries junior associate

Logged on to quote this. Amazing tips, btw. This is great for 3rd play throughs. Play through One: Good. Play through Two: Bad. Play Through Three: Meta.

Jun 18 2015 Anchor

This topic is interesting

Tiny Tanks Unblocked

tiny tanks unblocked

Edited by: leanhnam220

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