A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Simple method to SLOW bad bites (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Tips and Tricks : Simple method to SLOW bad bites) Locked
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Apr 17 2014 Anchor

So you've been bitten by a Red, White or Blue strain Zombie with no antigen or help close by. Simply run into the lower range areas of the map and let a Green strain Zombie bite you. Their bite will override the previews bite, thus leaving you with all the time in the world to cure it.

So i was running around with Joe, and took my eyes off the screen, Red eyed zombie bites me and i have no antigen at all, and far away from any base to ask for help. So i run around like a headless chicken and think i'm done for, then another zombie jumps me and i decide to let him kill me, BUT, he was a green strain, and his bite overwrote the Red strain bite! So i killed it saved me! I had all the time in the world to cure it.

This will probably be patched because it's so cheap and doesn't make a lot of sense.

Apr 17 2014 Anchor

Well now I know about it it'll be patched! ;)

Edited by: bob_the_pr_bot

Apr 17 2014 Anchor

Me and my big mouth ;(

Apr 19 2014 Anchor

Didn't know that. Is really crazy , is supposed to be contrary and get worst. The good isthat Bob will fix that when find some time, Thanks for share.

Apr 20 2014 Anchor

OR IS IT BAD!? Bob you should allow this. Maybe add some story about this happening to others? It could be as simple as a one liner randomly overheard. "I heard that a green strain infection will neutralize any other strain of bites. Did you hear that Jimbo? Maybe it is a like a base to their acidic effects?"

I know, my narrative is so lifelike. Thanks. Not a bad loop hole you found cyn0.

Mar 21 2015 Anchor

well it doesnt make sense due to the fact you getting bitten from a early stain of zombie virus so it should be something like this Green bites you then you got bitten by Blue either it become a whole new stain or it become the later stain of zombie mean blue so it reduce the time from 1 week to 1 day and so on either you have to use 2 antigen Green and blue since you got bitten by both or use 1 that current the highest Virus which is blue in this case that would make the game harder it like oh i been bitten by green 1 week okay walks around get bitten by blue zombie still thinks it green antigen looking or will be use when PROOF died :D of the blue virus so cool this is a good idea for the second game play :D

Apr 9 2015 Anchor

I can use this to survive a white if I am fast.
white = 5 sec

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