A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Question and Stuff (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Spoilers : Question and Stuff) Locked
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Dec 9 2015 Anchor

I was reading through the posts about Respect/Approval, and saw a response that basicly said buying and selling the same item back and forth will not affect respect/approval after the first transaction of the item. My question is, what about multiple amounts of the same item? For example say I sold them 10 ears of corn. Will growing more corn and selling it to the same NPC useing the same character continue to Raise Respect? And If so, how much corn would it take to max out respect?

I understand that the above was done so that buying and selling the same item to a character could not be exploited but, I think exceptions should be made for those lone characters with no community's. I also think it would be a good idea to have each main seller in the game to have some basic items they sell to have unlimited quantities as long as they are not recruited by the player. Like ammo's. Otherwise there should be ways to make all items in the game. There should be mines in the game with unlimited amounts in them so you can mine the metals and minerals needed to make your weapons and ammo. There should be more than just one type of growable/farmable plant in the game, like cotton to make cloth. You should be able to use the corn to make alchohal for the molatoves and bandages. Mine sulfer, and grow trees for that lumber and need sulfer and wood to make the matches. As for the more advanced stuff like RPG's, Random crate drops (of course the crates should have a limited time befor they disapear, and should disapear once empty so they dont end up overcrowding the game world with crates every where.)

I also think the players health should increase every time there fitness does, giving the player a longer blood bar. Once gun shooting is maxed out you should be able to kill any zombie in one shot with the pistol, and the aim should automaticly target the head. Sight and targeting range should also increase as that skill improves to the point where the player can both see and kill the zombies with out alerting them them the players presence. My own personal goal on any game with leveling stats as an RPG element is to max out my health and other stats so high that im pretty much unstopable. This makes leveling up a pleasure, and the want and need for god mode a distant memory. But this game doesnt allow this...:(

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