A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Question about the Reeds (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Spoilers : Question about the Reeds) Locked
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Sep 24 2014 Anchor

Okay, so I did Toby's quest, with the predictable fallout. (I have never laughed so hard then felt so horribly guilty in all my life. That animation, man.) Since then I've become a little, erm, obsessed with Connie. I mean, it's bad enough that his body never despawns, but since I did it with Alice (not understanding min/maxing rep at the time) she's retained good relations with Joe. That and... Well...

She's been coming to my camp a lot, asking for food. And one time she was pretty banged up one time, needing meds from having been bitten. Unsurprising, I guess, seeing as how she was out of shotgun ammunition. Like, after I "sold" it to her (I wanted to just give it) she immediately racked her gun. And, honestly? Call me a wuss, but I feel bad for her. I, the player, put her in such a sorry state, and I can see that I can recruit her, but it's hard. I've tried selling her things, but I'm not sure what earns approval and what doesn't. I've been very giving, even selling her a backpack when I loaded her up too much. I've got my Approval at 100, and now I just need to work on her Respect.

Is there an easier way to boost Connie's Respect? I wanna take care of the old lady I accidentally hurt.

Sep 25 2014 Anchor

lol i felt the same as u and wanted her to join me badly but it seems the only way to get her to respect u is by shacking her down lol it worked for me

Sep 25 2014 Anchor

Yeah it can be hard to get people to respect you if there aren't any quests available from them or their communities. Selling her things will help but it needs to be a lot to make a difference. If possible try luring a zombie near her and killing it. Even better if you 'rescue' her by allowing it to grab her, then shooting it. And if it bites her then bandage her up.

Sep 25 2014 Anchor

I hadn't considered luring them to her. I'll have to give it a shot.

Mar 19 2015 Anchor

Bob maybe doing some repeatable quest for them or their community example go fecth X = ammount of Y = item for N = Npc name so fecth 20 corn for Connie or even water or anything that is more then 1 item.

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