A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

Forum Thread
Problem and Ideas (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Bug Reports : Problem and Ideas) Locked
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Jun 13 2015 Anchor

Very good game concept but I find it is let down by awkward command and control. Is there a way to stop my companions from wandering off whenever they feel like it? It can be very frustrating to be in the middle of planning a raid or try to defend your fort when they suddenly decide they need food or drink and head off in the opposite direction. I would recommend a green/red condition setting the player can click individually or as a group. Green could mean "no threat/free to wander/build etc" and red could mean "everyone on guard and draw weapons".

A couple of other suggestions (which may have been suggested by others).

- The doors on the forts should default to 'closed' for added protection.

- Upgradable defense structures. (Most people like base building)

- Better transportation system. The backpacks are too scarce and unrealistic for planks of wood, concrete etc.

- Autosaves

- Demolish items should be easier than holding middle mouse button for a long time.

As I said, good game. Has loads of potential. Hope it continues to grow.

Edited by: AnotherSurvivor

Nov 17 2015 Anchor

Idea, demolish enemy communities with construction.

Dec 10 2015 Anchor

I suspect this isn't supposed to happen. Isham is sleep deprived so automatically sleeps but sleeping seems to have no impact on sleep deprivation level, meaning that I cannot get him to continue building as every time he automatically goes back to the bunker to sleep for an indefinite period. Can't swap the construction equipment to another character. Trying to build more storage by the bunker.

Dec 11 2015 Anchor

Is this happening in the Beta or stable version? Seems fine to me in the stable version. And more backpacks?

Edited by: Jonius7

Dec 16 2015 Anchor

Stable version I assume. Besides any automatic updates through Steam I have not updated the game or installed anything related to it.

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