A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Looting issue! (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Bug Reports : Looting issue!) Locked
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Dec 18 2015 Anchor

You know how in games like these, like in the diablo series for example, the higher level the enemy you kill, the more gold and better weapons and rare item drops you get right. Yet in this game, it doesnt matter if its a green strain zombie, blue, red, or white strain zombie, the loot is always the same. I cant begin to tell you how agrivating it is to expend so much ammo and resources to take out a red or white zombie taking such higher risk to my survivors lives just to get a match, or a bandage, or a single clip of ammo, or 1 lousy piece of gold. Seriously? This was thought to be a good idea? Personaly from my many years of playing games like this, I would make some changes. It makes more sence that the higher the risk taken, the higher the reward is given. The loot currently given is fine, for green strain. But as you move up, there should be more. Blue strains should have two loot items with slightly higher amounts than green strain, red strain should some times have 3 items with slightly higher amounts than blue, and white strain being the highest risk should reward the best loot, like some times you should find a full protective vest, or 50 rounds of sniper ammo, or a couple rounds for the grenade launcher on a white strain.

And those crates you find hidden away on the map are just as bad. You look all over for them thinking you gonna find a bunch of cool stuff in at least 1 of em, but time and time agian your met with utter disapointment. If it were me I would have placed more than one item in each crate, and better more sensible items at that. Like Rocket launchers and maybe 20 ammo in one crate, Sniper rifles and a couple hundred rounds of sniper ammo in another crate, and 8 to 10 bullet resistant vests in one of the hardest, and most risky to reach crate, about 25 to 50 gold and at least 1 gift item in every crate, you know, just so there would be a point and real reward for hunting them all down. But the main point is the crates seem like they would contain something special and end up ... not. Ooh yay I got an awardment for hunting all the crates down, but thats all I really got out of it, nothing really helpful. So very disapointing.

Awardments and achievments in games hold absolutly no value to me at all, because what is the reward for getting them? Nothing. Does it give you something special, like a bonus to a stat, a special rare item, or an ability you can't get any other way in that game? No. You get a pritty little icon on a screen and some worthless points you really cant do anything with added to your gamer score. Who cares about about that really? I sure don't. Now if you got some rare item, stat bonus, or ability that you cant get any other way, and if players could trade these rare items with each other after getting them, then there would be a point, and real value to striving to get those awardments and achievments done. Some gaming companys actually have stuff like this. Allowing them to make even more money by allowing players to purchase special coins that they can use to purchase and trade special items they cant get any other way with each other on a community tradeing and store page. Giving value and purpose for completing special tasks and achievments as well as opening up a hole new income stream for themselves.

Edited by: tgbowman

Dec 18 2015 Anchor

It is kinda annoying that the Zombie drops remain the same even if it is a white strain, though it is realistic I guess.

Yeah, with the crates, I thought maybe there could be some exclusive collectibles, or yeah a good amount of ammo/items. But no, all I get is a Detective Novel or something and I already have 5 of those I don't even need to gift to people.

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