A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

Forum Thread
Poll: Transport in game (16 votes)
Idea for game ((SPOILERS)) (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Suggestions and Ideas : Idea for game ((SPOILERS))) Locked
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Jan 27 2016 Anchor

there are a few vechiles in the game that are ment to be in working order why not make it possible for your group to have a vechile to use for transporting the heavier items in the game

you could also do it so that one person of the community is driver and one as a spotter aka Lookout

now to counter the use of a vechiles you could do it that you have to charge a battery with a solar panel maybe make it so that it takes 2 days to charge it fully

what do people think of this as a possibillity

Feb 3 2016 Anchor

This is an interesting idea I do think it would have to have some serious balancing thought because I believe the map is small enough that walking doesn't take that much time. If it were done I think that hitting a zombie should damage the car.

My two ideas that I would almost gladly pay another $5 for the exact same game just with the additions:

  • More building types
    • Has been talked about in other threads and I think it would be a great addition
  • Crafting
    • I believe crafting was meaning to be a bigger part but didn't end up that way. (I'm sure do to amount of time required)
    • I would like the ability to make ammo, armor, weapons, food that my give buffs
    • If I could essentially produce everything I needed to make anything I wanted that would be nice.
      • I understand certain things (IE. Insulin) should not be allowed to be made but for the most part I want to be able to play on the map for an indefinite amount of time with my base of survivors

Otherwise I love the game and think that it is extremely fun and addicting. I believe the learning curve and difficulty though while quite frustrating in the beginning is at a perfect rewarding balance.

Feb 4 2016 Anchor

maybe the creator will consider adding this to the sequal of the game

Feb 7 2016 Anchor

Driveable vehicles get suggested a lot, and I would love to have them, but they would be a huge task with lots of physics, graphics, animation and AI work needed. So it's pretty unlikely that I'll do them, sorry. More crafting and building types are more likely additions, as they're more easily achieveable. (for the sequel though).

Feb 8 2016 Anchor

What wheel cart that store stuff in it.

What about a wheel cart that store stuff in it

Feb 11 2016 Anchor
Bugfinder wrote:

What wheel cart that store stuff in it.

What about a wheel cart that store stuff in it

This might be a good alt to what I am suggesting and would not require much work as it could use the backpack system to limit the ammount of weight that can be used by any one person as you could make it look like a wooden wheelborrow then add a random chance of breaking

Another idea for a new building a drug lab/medic center I am not saying narcotics I mean one to create medical items for your community then you can assign your best healer to it and maybe use the barn as the base for it, the drugs can be made from plants that are grown

also maybe a Still to make alchol parts for the still could come from cars that are scattered thought out the map if you wanted I would be willing to make up basic models for my suggestions using blender to show you what I would make them look like

Feb 13 2016 Anchor

I think Bob the PR bot should be rich

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