A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

Forum Thread
Crops an' Ting (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Tips and Tricks : Crops an' Ting) Locked
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Apr 1 2014 Anchor

Howdy do,

First of all, loving this game already. I feel bad, but this game is giving me what I expected from State of Decay; excellent work my friend.
Now, I might be on my own here, but is anyone else confused about crop growing? I've had one of my survivors on farm mode for about 6 in-game days, and have no crops. I understand crops take a lot longer than six days to grow in real life, so I understand they will take a few in-game days to grow, but I'm just double checking what the grow times are in this game?

Apart from that, great stuff. I especially appreciate Alice's realistic diabetes; having Type 1 myself, I hate when games (like Dead Island) completely get what diabetes is and how it affects someone. Awesome work.

Apr 1 2014 Anchor

To plant crops you need some ears of corn (for the seeds), a watering can, a well, and someone with a Farming skill of 1 or higher. You will see them planting the seeds and watering them, and the crops start off as a mound of dirt and then over time change model to a small plant, then a large one. It actually takes 6 days to ripen. So it sounds like you are missing something from this process. If they aren't watered then they won't grow, and eventually die (if you go up to them you can see a health circle, similar to when you go up to a person. Red means it's dehydrated and blue means it has water). You can do the watering manually by equiping the watering can but it would be tedious, so that's why you can assign people to be in Farming mode.

Apr 2 2014 Anchor

Thanks Bob, I managed to sort it out; I talk about it in my next thread.

Jul 31 2014 Anchor

I still have no clue how to plant crops, and since I have 13 people now I kinda need to stop stealing and scavenging my food.

Love the game by the way.

Aug 2 2014 Anchor

I think this thread did a pretty good job of explaining how to farm:

It is also taught at the end of the Home Improvement series of quests.

Aug 3 2014 Anchor

I have ears of corn a watering can and a person with 4 stars in gardening yet nothing happens. When I read I read the description of ears of corn it says equip it like a weapon, but I just eat it.

Aug 3 2014 Anchor

Oh I see, that is badly worded, I will change it. It means equip it in-game (not in the inventory) by pressing Left or Right on the D-pad.

Aug 3 2014 Anchor

O ok thanks bob!

Sep 14 2014 Anchor

Hey really loving the game so far. A lot of content for an Xbl indie game and we'll done. The only big problem I have is with the farming, when I choose a certain person to do farming they end up taking all our food and trying to plant it again. A fix to just have them plant what's in their inventory would be an epic help. But overall great game hope you continue on with this I can see it becoming something great!

Nov 2 2014 Anchor

I wonder how many crops can ONE farmer maintain?

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