A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Couple Of Questions "Q&A" (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Spoilers : Couple Of Questions "Q&A") Locked
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Aug 2 2014 Anchor

1. Is it possible to blow down the fence to the 100k gold with a missle launcher?2. Are you making a fifth patch? or did the game become dead? Im so confused? xD3.What are the new patch info if possible?

Sep 2 2014 Anchor

Yes but the bunker will still be locked.

Is there a way to get the gold without exploding into oblivion?

Sep 5 2014 Anchor

Is there a way to get the gold without exploding into oblivion?

Yes but it's very subtle.

Are you making a fifth patch?

There'll be more patches, no major changes though.

Sep 7 2014 Anchor

I just tried doing the missing quest. However, earlier in the game when I was exploring I found the metal rods and stuff you need to find to trigger the next part of the quest. Since I found this stuff before I had the "missing" quest, for some reason im still stuck on the part where I have to find signs of lou, even though the stuff is in my inventory. Any advice? Sorry I put this on 2 things on accident

Sep 8 2014 Anchor

stevenspadoni3 - see my reply in the other thread.

Sep 28 2014 Anchor

Very subtle indeed. I've spent the past six hours trying to figure it out. Still no success. I've tried Molotov cocktails to both it and the house, weight transfer, exploring the surrounding area to look for a switch, kicking it, and even begging to it. I'm missing something, I know I am.

Edit: Incidentally, try doing "bring supplies home." The way you ragdoll literally to the other side of the map is hilarious. I've done it a few times now just for amusement factor.

Edited by: Dagoonite

Sep 29 2014 Anchor

Yeah, you won't find it like that. It depends on you taking a particular path in a completely unrelated quest. Really, six hours? I feel kind of bad about that...!

Yes I've seen the ragdoll thing :) I had it down as a bug once that I ought to fix, but I decided to leave it as it wasn't actually doing any harm and was quite funny.

Sep 29 2014 Anchor

Bah, I'm effectively at the endgame now (and actually have beaten it at this point), so there isn't any going back and getting it. Oh well! I honestly don't mind; it makes sense, given the world, and those were six frustratingly fun hours.

BEST. BUG. EVER. That and the heart attack animation earned genuine laughs out of me, and I usually only grin over funny things in games. The WEEEEEE factor from those explosions (I've only found that one and the mines(?) to do it) are a blast. Thanks for not fixing it!

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