A huge open-world game where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. You've survived the zombie apocalypse by living in a bunker for a year and now it's time to venture out. Scavenge for supplies, find other survivors, trade or fight with them, form relationships and build a community. Go on quests, face moral dilemmas, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!

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Another couple of questions (Games : Survivalist : Forum : Spoilers : Another couple of questions) Locked
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Oct 30 2014 Anchor

1. Do cigarettes always cause cancer? Once character have cancer, does it slowly advance until he dies or does it get worst only when he smoke more cigarettes? Does giving cigarettes to NPC not in the players party cause cancer as well? Does any other "gifts" have side effects?

2. Does giving same type of present (for example vine) more than once improve standing of the player with NPC or it's pointless to give more then one?

3. I was reading somewhere that shaking down somebody actually raise respect of target NPC for the player. Does it have any negative effects? For example does it make target NPC dislike player (approval)?

4. Does chance of recruiting "last looter" depends on something or is it random?

5. When convincing NPC to join, does both respect and approval matter? Or they just add up for this purpose and I can recruit NPC who dislikes me but respects me or vice versa?

6. Can ex-prisoner standing in front of the police station from El Dorado mission be recruited?

7. How can one tell if NPC can or can't be recruited anyway?

8. What success chance of shakedown depends on? Does it depends on respect player already have with target NPC or do other things, like for example equipment player have or number of allies with the player have influence?

9. What can cause increase of respect beside doing missions for NPC, helping other friendly NPCs, fistfights and shakedowns? How can for example player gain respect of NPC which is alone, not related to any group and does not offer work/missions?

10. Does trading raise approval or respect?

11. Do NPCs not in player's party need to eat and drink? For example do NPCs which does not have access to renewable source of food and water die once they run out of food and water they have access to?

12. Will giving NPC not in player's party equipment and corn cause him to start farming? Or are "occupations" preprogrammed.

13. Can NPCs not in player's party turn to zombies if they get bitten by one? Do they need serum?

14. Do size of looter/undead bands who picked my trail/scent increase over time or is their size random? Or does it depend on something else (size of player's party). Do they get better equipment over time?

15. Can luring zombies to NPCs in order to "save them from being bitten" or letting them "see player kill zombie" be considered game exploit?

16. How many "personalities" exist in game? Is it just personality of player and then everybody else? Does it depend on sex?

17. Can NPCs in player's party pick up "valuable items" they like (vine, chocolate, books) on their own initiative (while under AI) from common inventory (like inside bunker or other building)?

18. If I do mission for NPC with recruited character instead of my original character, will it influence approval and/or respect to my original character or does individual characters have their own individual approval/respect ratings with other NPCs?

Oct 30 2014 Anchor

Whew...! okay here goes. Since a lot of your questions involve Respect and Approval I should probably say that somewhere in the game there is a brain scanner which makes this more explicit. Make sure Alice and Isham stay alive and you'll eventually be led to it in a quest.

1. Do cigarettes always cause cancer? Once character have cancer, does it slowly advance until he dies or does it get worst only when he smoke more cigarettes? Does giving cigarettes to NPC not in the players party cause cancer as well? Does any other "gifts" have side effects?

Lung cancer only gets worse if they smoke more cigarettes. All cigarettes cause it to anyone who smokes it, but you'd really have to smoke a lot of them to die from it. It makes you a bit more susceptible to fatigue though. As for other gifts, Chocolate reduces hunger but raises Alice's need for insulin, and I think wine increases thirst a small amount.

2. Does giving same type of present (for example vine) more than once improve standing of the player with NPC or it's pointless to give more then one?

Giving the same gift increases approval again, it's not pointless to give more than one.

3. I was reading somewhere that shaking down somebody actually raise respect of target NPC for the player. Does it have any negative effects? For example does it make target NPC dislike player (approval)?

Shaking down raises Respect but decreases Approval.

4. Does chance of recruiting "last looter" depends on something or is it random?

Some looters have a personality flag called "Bold" set, these ones will refuse to join you and prefer to go out fighting instead.
Or sometimes looters just happen to die of blood loss or something during combat, so they aren't able to surrender.

5. When convincing NPC to join, does both respect and approval matter? Or they just add up for this purpose and I can recruit NPC who dislikes me but respects me or vice versa?

Both matter, but respect matters slightly more. You can recruit an NPC who dislikes you but respects you, but you need more respect to do that than you would if they liked you.

6. Can ex-prisoner standing in front of the police station from El Dorado mission be recruited?

Should be possible, but can be quite difficult to get enough respect in cases where no quests are available. Selling them items, shooting and rescuing them from infected, and threatening them all raise respect.

7. How can one tell if NPC can or can't be recruited anyway?

If you ask them to join you, and they say something like "I would never leave XXX community, this is my home" that means respect/approval will have no effect at the moment (although certain quests might change the situation). If they say something like "there's work to be done around here" it means they have an outstanding quest they want you to do first. Otherwise if they say something like "You seem cool but no thanks" that means they are susceptible to respect/approval.

8. What success chance of shakedown depends on? Does it depends on respect player already have with target NPC or do other things, like for example equipment player have or number of allies with the player have influence?

It depends on respect.

9. What can cause increase of respect beside doing missions for NPC, helping other friendly NPCs, fistfights and shakedowns? How can for example player gain respect of NPC which is alone, not related to any group and does not offer work/missions?

Selling them items and letting them see you kill infected, or rescuing them from infected. Yes, unfortunately it's rather difficult to gain the respect of an NPC who's alone. You can gain their approval by giving them gifts, and that means you'll need less respect to recruit them - but you'll still need some! All this should become much clearer with the brain scanner.

10. Does trading raise approval or respect?

Selling items to someone raises their respect for the seller, buying items from them raises their approval for the buyer. In either case the amount is dependant on the gold price of the items. Once an item has been traded once, it will never affect respect/approval again (to avoid exploits).

11. Do NPCs not in player's party need to eat and drink? For example do NPCs which does not have access to renewable source of food and water die once they run out of food and water they have access to?

NPCs in the communities such as Fort Kohai need to eat, drink and sleep. But it's disabled during some quests (like when they're following you). They would die eventually without food, but first they would start wandering all over the map looking for it (this caused a lot of bugs during development!). I cheated and disabled the system for looters though - seemd like it would be weird for looter gangs to be farming.

12. Will giving NPC not in player's party equipment and corn cause him to start farming? Or are "occupations" preprogrammed.

They are preprogrammed.

13. Can NPCs not in player's party turn to zombies if they get bitten by one? Do they need serum?

Yes and yes.

14. Do size of looter/undead bands who picked my trail/scent increase over time or is their size random? Or does it depend on something else (size of player's party). Do they get better equipment over time?

It's randomised a bit but it increases the more towns you explore. Their equipment is just random, but their skill levels improve as you explore more towns.

15. Can luring zombies to NPCs in order to "save them from being bitten" or letting them "see player kill zombie" be considered game exploit?

I think it's a legitimate tactic. (I wish there was more stuff you could do like that to be honest, to help with the recruiting lone NPCs situation mentioned earlier).

16. How many "personalities" exist in game? Is it just personality of player and then everybody else? Does it depend on sex?

There are 28 different personality flags but a lot of them don't have much effect on anything. It's a feature I would have liked to have done more with, but sometimes things have to get cut for the sake of finally shipping something. An example of something minor that it affects is what people say after they've been in combat - "Nervous" NPCs say "Whew, glad that's over!" while more aggressive ones will say "don't mess with me!". I would have liked to have a lot more small dialog variations like that. Gender also affects a few things (like book preferences), but not much.

17. Can NPCs in player's party pick up "valuable items" they like (vine, chocolate, books) on their own initiative (while under AI) from common inventory (like inside bunker or other building)?


18. If I do mission for NPC with recruited character instead of my original character, will it influence approval and/or respect to my original character or does individual characters have their own individual approval/respect ratings with other NPCs?

Individual characters have their own approval/respect ratings with other NPCs. So it's best to have the same character claim credit for completing quests for a community, doing the gift-giving to a community.

Hope that helps! :)

Oct 31 2014 Anchor

Yes it did, much appreciated :) And sorry for the long list, I felt bit guilty after posting it :D But it might save you time answering these questions to someone else in the future. Hopefully :)

But your answers raised still few more questions if you don't mind:

1. Will Connie Reed starve once Tobie died of heart attack or she is flagged off for eating? Can that be used to any advantage while trying to recruit her?

2. Does Bat Jacobs (ex-con) need to eat/drink/sleep?

3. Will killing zombie in front of the NPC, rescuing NPC and shakedown raise respect if done more then once? I mean does repeating these adds up?

4. When I get mission to improve relations with some community (like when I need to negotiate truce between Fat Neil's and McCoy's) does relation to all members matter or just the leader?

5. When I leave character in some random house, will they sleep or they need to be in bunker/player build house?

6. Are "explored" looter camps and other minor locations considered per purpose of determining level of looters or only large towns matter?

7. Can I recruit NPC using another character then Joe?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by: hruza

Oct 31 2014 Anchor

That's okay :)

1. Will Connie Reed starve once Tobie died of heart attack or she is flagged off for eating? Can that be used to any advantage while trying to recruit her?

She wanders around looking for food. She might stop by your base asking for something to eat. It'll give you the chance to talk to her and sell her stuff, but not much more of an advantage than that.

2. Does Bat Jacobs (ex-con) need to eat/drink/sleep?

*Checks* No, he doesn't. A bit inconsistent that, sorry.

3. Will killing zombie in front of the NPC, rescuing NPC and shakedown raise respect if done more then once? I mean does repeating these adds up?

After you've killed 10 zombies it stops adding up, otherwise it would be too exploitable. And rescuing the NPC only counts once. Shakedown counts as many times as you do it.

4. When I get mission to improve relations with some community (like when I need to negotiate truce between Fat Neil's and McCoy's) does relation to all members matter or just the leader?

You're trying to persuade the leaders to negotiate, so it's them you have to butter up. However, if you give gifts to, or do quests for, other community members the leaders opinion of you will improve (just not as much as if you gave gifts to the leaders themselves).

5. When I leave character in some random house, will they sleep or they need to be in bunker/player build house?

They prefer to sleep in their own community's houses, but if they are really tired (2 days sleep deprivation) they will sleep in a random house.

6. Are "explored" looter camps and other minor locations considered per purpose of determining level of looters or only large towns matter?

Only towns.

7. Can I recruit NPC using another character then Joe?

Yes, all the opinions are individual-based. Only thing is, if they have a very low opinion of Joe they will leave your community - or refuse to join it.

Oct 31 2014 Anchor

Thanks a lot, that made many things clearer :)

Yes, all the opinions are individual-based. Only thing is, if they have a very low opinion of Joe they will leave your community - or refuse to join it.

So basically if I have limited options and NPC with negative attitude to Joe, I can use methods available to raise NPC relation to Joe to neutral and then use the same methods to make him/her like/respect another character from my group and recruit him/her.

Oct 31 2014 Anchor

Yes :)

Mar 18 2015 Anchor

Connie made me mad. I followed her around my base denying any of my followers the ability to give that needy threatening _***** our food :)

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