It took longer than it really should have but by 2050, humanity has finally colonized Mars. The leader of the effort is an entrepreneur named Jeff Murray. Rather than live on the surface of the Mars, People have made their homes deep underground. The city and all its supporting facilities are buried deep down, safe from the inhospitable climate of the surface. Dr. West migrated to Mars recently at the personal invitation of Jeff Murray. Dr. West has been working on important research which he had hoped might lead to a cure for the Alzheimer's Disease. In Subterrain you fill the shoes of Dr. West, the apparent lone survivor of the underground city of Mars. Do what you must to fight, survive, escape, or otherwise amongst limited resources and relentless enemies. Your worst enemy will be your own carelessness...

Forum Thread
Place of research and treat (Games : Subterrain : Forum : General discussion : Place of research and treat) Locked
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Dec 10 2014 Anchor

This is feedback from Andrew Johnson :

Someone wrote: i have idea to know which place would contain and research and treat

1: Tiny medical cabinet (found in residential rooms/hotel rooms/Dorms or bedrooms within facility only contains pills and plaster aid and some bandages (Note: any cabinets within public toilets are not medical cabinets)
this has no Identification

2: Small medicbay (few beds with limited supply in medical cupboards and cabinet) (located in outlying areas such detainment centre) = does not contain research room or computer
can be identified as White cross with circle
Supplies: 2x first aid boxes and banadges and pills

3: Main medicbay (contains few rooms with small supply (located in more dense areas such in middle of residences)
can identified as Blue cross without circle
Research: has computer in one of rooms but only supplies a infomation on virus but can't cured at here
Supply: 5x first aid boxes and various medical supplies

4: Small Hopstial (contains few floors of medical rooms) but smaller but does not have factity to deal with serious injury
can identified as green cross without circle
Floor 1: entrance and medical supply room ( few first aid boxes and various medical supplies) hallway to Elevator/stairs
Floor 2: small research lab and small medical ward and bathroom
Floor 3: Opearation theater and offices and small staff bedrooms
in some places - floor 4 would contain staff bedrooms while floor 3 has one more medical ward there
Location: in small city centres and near minor hubs
research - has two computers in lab and table

5: Major Hosptial (this huge complex deals with everything) can identified by red cross symbol with ring around the cross
those Major hospitals have unlimited supply
Floor B2: Large research labs (you can cure/research any infection here) has more than 3 computers
Floor B1: Power generators for hosptial (emergency power and normal power) also garbage rooms and Mortuary room
Floor 1: entrance and waiting room and medical warehouse (separate entrance for warehouse from tube stop) and Offices and Main ward for accident and emergency - hallway to elevators and stairs (more than 2) Cafeteria and toilets
Floor 2 to 5: medical wards and Supply rooms
Floor 6: operating theaters and Scanner rooms
Floor 7: offices and staff bedrooms
(in some major places - floor 8: will contain Tube stop (metro tube stop) while B3: contains Long distance tube stop
Tube ideas would be discussed in next email

We love your idea and will take your feedback into account.


Edited by: Saehoon

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