After a long war, the Entities divided the space into quadrants. One quadrant cannot interact with the others. Your mission is to find the entities, and beg them to unlock the quadrants, allowing the various civilizations of the universe to interact again. Get your ship and travel through the space defeating enemies, trading, saving endangered ships, finding special items, while you seek for access codes of the Space Jumper, a special engine that allows you to go to another sectors and quadrant. How far you can go in this game, that have a virtually endless map?

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Back on rails

Back on rails


After a long hiatus, the game is back to development.

New graphics and improved logic

New graphics and improved logic


After a litle hiatus, the development of the game continues.

Space Jumper - Development Update

Space Jumper - Development Update


Updates on basic navigation: short and long range map, object srcreens.