An anime styled RPG inspired by JRPG classics.


  • Beautiful anime styled character designs both 3D and 2D.
  • Professional voice acting that helps bring the story to life.


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Soul Saga Kickstarter Victory


Holy cow, that was a crazy month! It took quite a lot of effort to break out of my nerd shell and put my face and emotions out there for the world to judge upon, but it was all worth it! We ended the Kickstarter at almost $200,000! The Kickstarter funds have already started to come in, though it can take up to a month for all transactions to be taken care of. I'm going to be doing my best to make sure Soul Saga is as good as it can be with the budget and time that I have to get it done. I have no doubt in my mind that it will only get better with each new game as well!
Art Contest
It was super fun to go through and see everyone's awesome Soul Saga pictures! I am honored that you have spent so much energy to bring the characters of Soul Saga to life in your unique styles! I have decided on the the 3 winners, and will make an official post about it tomorrow.

Writing Contest

I will be sending out a release form early next week ( or sooner ) that will allow my to read your writing entries. I currently haven't been able to read any without this signed, though. I'm excited to get in and read all of your creative stories! Please keep an eye out for the release form. =)


YouTube Live

I gave YouTube Live a little whirl yesterday. It seemed to be alright, but it's definitely a different type of environment than Twitch gives us. YouTube's chat room doesn't seem to be live, though it updates often on my screen, and it has at least a 1 minute delay in it's stream. This can make it feel a bit less personal I think, but I am mostly interested in YouTube's monetizing features that allow us to profit a little bit from the streams. However, I'm not really sure how much we'd be able to profit from it with only 50-100 people watching. I think for a month we will try out YouTube live to get a feeling for it and see how it goes. Even if it's only able to bring in an extra $50 a month for Soul Saga, that can add up to quite a bit over time to help pad a little bit of development. Also, there seems to be issues with some people not being able to view Twitch, so this may help them get into the loop better!

Next Live Stream

With that said, I would like to try doing our first YouTube Live stream this Saturday ( July 20th ) at 3 p.m. Pacific. If you guys like the experience, then we can continue doing it, but if there is an extremely strong urge to go back to twitch, then we can do that as well. Preferably we can all work together to find a way to make YouTube live work, though.

Please Subscribe!

Please subscribe to Disastercake's YouTube channel here:

This will allow you to keep in the loop with all of the future Developer Diaries and Let's Plays!

Development Plan

I have a very detailed development plan, and I would like to share the outline with you.

The Large View:

  1. Create Characters, Environments, and Music
  2. Start prototype coding (Beta Starts here)
  3. Start Level Design
  4. Start content coding
  5. Get Sound Effects
  6. Get Voice Acting
  7. Polish it all up
  8. Release on PC/Linux/Mac
  9. Implement any changes based on feedback
  10. Port to PS4
  11. Port to PS Vita
  12. Port to WiiU

A look into Character Creation:

  1. Create concept art
  2. Model character
  3. Rig and Animate character

Each one of these 3 character creation steps requires a different artist. Each will be working parallel to each other to help hasten the pipeline. In addition, the environmental concept art will be started as soon as the first character concept is created.

Developer Diary Frequency

During the next 30 to 45 days I will mostly be nailing out story elements and officially scheduling and lining up artists. During this time there won't be much to report on, so I will mostly just be announcing small things like Let's Play schedules.

Afterwards, we'll start delving into the art creation, which I will then have a little more to show, but most of the art I will be keeping under the cover for you to be surprised when the game is released. This will still remain at small, weekly updates.

Once the beta begins, you will start getting a LOT of news, most likely several times a week. This is because I'll be able to jump in and start getting my own hands dirty with code and adjusting elements based on your feedback. That news frequency will most likely continue throughout the beta and into Soul Saga's release.

Thank You!

I want to thank you again for supporting Soul Saga and allowing me to bring this story to life! I can't wait to get started! Once I nail out more contracts with artists I can give you a better deadline on when I am expecting things to get done. Until then... see ya at the Live Stream!

Soul Saga's Kickstarter is over $10,000!

Soul Saga's Kickstarter is over $10,000!

News 19 comments

Soul Saga is starting off the 3rd day of the Kickstarter with over $10,000!

Soul Saga's Kickstarter Launches!

Soul Saga's Kickstarter Launches!

News 22 comments

Soul Saga's Kickstarter is now live! If you're interested in JRPGs, this is a Kickstarter you may want to be a part of!

Soul Saga – Update 13 – Meet Taro and The Toki

Soul Saga – Update 13 – Meet Taro and The Toki

News 8 comments

Soul Saga's Kickstarter video is 100% finished, and hopefully the Kickstarter will be able to launch by Saturday! Also, here's Taro and his Toki brethren...

Soul Saga – Update 12 – Meet Elise and Max

Soul Saga – Update 12 – Meet Elise and Max

News 7 comments

Two more of Soul Saga's cast as revealed: Elise the engineer and Max the robot!

Comments  (0 - 10 of 116)
Guest - - 705,657 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Boruto36 - - 41 comments

Can you plz not make it have to be bought? Pllz i know it might already be buuut...I don't know yet and..well...Mabye before you let it out you can make if free? You dont have to it's just...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Disastercake Creator
Disastercake - - 152 comments

Thank you very much for the suggestion and your interest in Soul Saga, Boruto! Soul Saga is planned for retail sale, and it will be competitively priced so as many people as possible can reasonably afford it while supporting development for future games. I'd really like to turn Disastercake into a company where passionate artists can have a place to work with reliable income. To do that, it requires that fans such as yourself are willing to support that cause. Thank you very much for your understanding! I can't wait to share Soul Saga with you this year! =D

Mike (Disastercake)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
booman - - 3,660 comments

Soul Saga is still in development if you check their forums. I'm not sure why they don't post updates here, but I hope they do soon

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Disastercake Creator
Disastercake - - 152 comments

Hey booman! Thanks for letting everyone know! I've just had so many places to post to that it starts to suck up a lot of time to keep them all updated. I'll try to start posting here as well for you. Thanks again for being awesome, buddy! =D

Reply Good karma+2 votes
booman - - 3,660 comments

that is kinda what I figured! I know you have been busy! Love the gameplay videos! Keep it up, I can't wait to play when Soul Saga is released!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
A-Frique - - 57 comments

Congratulations on being Greenlit!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Disastercake Creator
Disastercake - - 152 comments

Thanks A-Frique =)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Yukoarts - - 224 comments

Good post campaign update at your site, the part where you said you had to leave your "nerd shell" caught my interest, because I'm too currently in it until my campaign time comes in december, I hope I manage to do well too when the time to leave my own game dev "nerd shell" comes.

I also gave a link to your campaign at my last game news article, because it was quite well managed.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Disastercake Creator
Disastercake - - 152 comments

Haha, yeah you definitely have to break free of it. Also, don't waste a single word on trolls. They're best left ignored, even if it bothers you.

And thanks for mentioning the campaign!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Yukoarts - - 224 comments

Don't forget to check your indiedb private messages when you get some free time.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Yukoarts - - 224 comments

You bet, I learned the hard way trolls are best left ignored, alone with their own sad lifes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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