One quiet evening, at 2:22am, a chorus began. Voices worldwide crescendo in unison as cries of despair mutate into shrills that held note until 6am. This was the sound of the world changing. Those deep in slumber had become something beyond human. Earth falls into the early stages of an apocalypse born from an inexplicable mystery. This happening leaves behind those fortunate enough to have been awake during the event that sparked a new epoch bathed in darkness. Tajai and his cat Hexagon (Hex) are left in the wake of disaster, wondering if his sister will return home after visiting her boyfriend the evening prior.

RSS News
Immersion Update

Immersion Update


As the year is coming to a close, we're working on an immersion update for Act 1, then finishing up acts 2 and 3 before we send in our application for...

Alpha Demo Immersion Update Soon!

Alpha Demo Immersion Update Soon!


After the great reception and feedback for our Halloween Alpha Act 1 release, we're going back in to smooth out the gameplay for a better experience before...

Alpha Demo Release Soon!

Alpha Demo Release Soon!


It's been a while since the last update, but despite that we've been pretty busy, mostly solving scripting errors!

Internal Alpha Testing

Internal Alpha Testing


With the majority of the level work done and major bug fixes completed, we're moving forward with internal testing to check for style and atmosphere integrity...

Updated Art and New Team Member

Updated Art and New Team Member


As we're drawing ever closer to the release of the alpha demo, we've recruited the help of a friend to get a lot of this art done quicker, bringing us...

Website and Art Update

Website and Art Update


The week has been planned out, and we're updating you on our work list as we move closer to the alpha release date!

Weekend Checklist

Weekend Checklist


To get a head start on the next work week, we're putting in some time this weekend to cross off some of our work load.

Alpha Demo Progress Report

Alpha Demo Progress Report


With the inventory system mostly finished, we're well on our way to the final stretch getting the Sleepers demo into your hands!!!!

Unreal Engine Alpha Demo Progress

Unreal Engine Alpha Demo Progress


Making Killer progress in the Unreal Engine, making new updated art and insane scripting in Blueprint to get that fully-functional inventory system.

Screenshot Saturday

Screenshot Saturday


Updating the art, converting to Unreal Engine 4, and prepping for the trailer composition!

Sleepers Has Moved to Unreal Engine!

Sleepers Has Moved to Unreal Engine!


With the updated support of Unreal Engine Paper2D, we've decided to convert Sleepers from Unity to Unreal!

New Sleepers Website!

New Sleepers Website!


Update on our main site, and game trailer progression. We're heading out to Game Connection soon and we plan to have the game trailer finished in the...

Sleepers is on Patreon!

Sleepers is on Patreon!


Sleepers is currently running a Patreon to fund the development of the game! Our current goal is to get a trailer completed to give you a taste of the...

Steam Greenlight Concepts Page

Steam Greenlight Concepts Page


Hey everyone!Sleepers is currently nested in waiting on Steam Greenlight Concepts, awaiting the demo release before we up our game and begin a Greenlight...