Shadow Madness is a game developed by Ronan Murphy and Aaron Conroy. It is a 2D platformer that introduces an interesting shadow mechanic. The player must use the mouse to cast shadows off obstacles in the scene and then, while holding the left mouse button to 'solidify' them, use the shadows to cross the obstacles in the level. I would describe it as a proof of concept but we are very happy with the first iteration of this project.


WASD to Move & Space to Jump. S Tries to drop down through any platforms if available(shadows).

Use the Mouse to project the shadows and then to solidify them, simply hold the Left Mouse Button.

Thanks and Enjoy!

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Shadow Madness is a 2D platformer that introduces an interesting shadow mechanic. The player must use the mouse to cast shadows off obstacles in the scene and then, while holding the left mouse button to 'solidify' them, use the shadows to cross the obstacles in the level.

I would describe it as a proof of concept but we are very happy with the first iteration of this project.

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ShadowMadness Demo (Pre-Alpha)

ShadowMadness Demo (Pre-Alpha)


A release of the current build of the game if you want to try it out. Lots of details in the README supplied so check it out.

yangkee101 - - 55 comments

Fun stuff! Simple design and pure creativity

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