You play as a mental patient in a psychiatric hospital who suffers from schizophrenia. You hear voices that command you to do certain actions and see hallucinations. You are trying to find pills that help you stay stable.

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Hello everyone! Today, we want to share an exciting development in our game that aims to enhance player understanding of its mechanics without compromising immersion.

After conducting extensive playtests, we noticed that many players were struggling to grasp the intricacies of how our game mechanics functioned. This presented us with an intriguing challenge: how can we effectively explain these mechanics without resorting to the conventional tutorial approach?

By adopting a diegetic approach, we aim to provide players with a simpler way to learn the mechanics. Introducing the Medical Notes! They are notes scattered around the scenery that explain why the character can use his abilities and some with how to use that mechanic like seen in the pictures below.

We are excited about this approach as it not only helps players grasp the mechanics effectively but also because it adds a bit of worldbuilding and a way to understand why he can use those abilities.

Thats all for this week! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more updates in the following weeks!

Shades of Insanity Devlog #11 Introducing pill-holding devices!

Shades of Insanity Devlog #11 Introducing pill-holding devices!


How we enhanced the forest scene by replacing the pressure plates with pill-holding devices.

Shades of Insanity Devlog #10 - Enhancing experience with post-processing

Shades of Insanity Devlog #10 - Enhancing experience with post-processing


How we utilized post-processing effects to achieve the feeling we imagined during the character's hallucinations.

Updated Lighting Devlog#9

Updated Lighting Devlog#9


Hello everyone! Welcome to today´s the devlog of your game! Today, we'd like to talk about the updated lighting of your game and how it has improved...

Updated Patient Bedroom Devlog#8

Updated Patient Bedroom Devlog#8


Hello Everyone! We have updated the bedroom of our main character to look more personal to him with paintings on the walls and a picture of his wife...

FewOfUs - - 1 comments

Hihi my idea

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