SCP-Nightmares is a game based on the SCP Universe about a Class-D from the SCP-Foundation who is captured. He is broken out by people who are in the Insurgency, who tell him to break out SCPs. When he breaches containment of one of the most lethal SCPs: SCP-080, he falls asleep and wakes up in chaos, the chaos HE created. To stop this, his goal is to recapture all of the breached SCPs and escape, all without the Foundation or the Insurgency catching him. In the game, if you lose health, you can sleep to regain it, but if SCP-080 is nearby while you sleep, you will have nightmares, scary ones. If you have 6 nightmares in one game, you lose.

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Demo Release - Extra Help Needed

Demo Release - Extra Help Needed

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There will be a demo soon. Read below to find out the obstacles and challenges we face, and how you can help.

The Storyline Completed and Popularity On IndieDB

The Storyline Completed and Popularity On IndieDB


The entire storyline for SCP-Nightmares has been completed. It has taken me a while, but it is over with for now, until severe edits are needed to fit...

Social Media and Game Engine (CHOSEN!!!)

Social Media and Game Engine (CHOSEN!!!)


We have made several websites and ways to get in contact with the team, so we will provide them below. These sites include a tumblr, a website, an SCP-C.B...