Outshot is a story driven, sci-fi RPG and 3rd person shooter. It is currently under heavy development by a team of young developers from Australia and the U.K. For more information and further updates visit the website at RegenChronicles.com

Add job Report Environment Designer at Regen Chronicles

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by Regenchronicles.weebly.com on

Hello, and welcome to Regen Chronicles. Any who apply to us must have good level/environment design skills in Cry Engine, whether it be the Cry Engine SDK or Cry Engine 4. The project is aimed at Regen Chronicles - Outshot, although we may have use for applicants in Regen Chronicles - Meeko.

Outshot is a sci-fi RPG shooter currently in heavy development. Applicants will have a major role to fill as our previous environment designer was heavily involved in the project. The first environment the designer would be to construct would be a moderately sized Uluru map for the beginning of Outshot. If wished, and after proving themselves the designer could be subject to a larger role in the project.

After creating the Uluru, we will begin the meat of the project, exposing the new developer to the rest of the team's work. The team would communicate via online services including Skype and E-mail.

More information about the game, including screenshots can be found on the Regen Chronicles website: Regenchronicles.weebly.com

To Apply

Send an application to "regenchronicles@hotmail.com" with your previous experience.