"Race 4 Extinction" is an extension of "Race 2 Extinction" a game that emerged from the 2011 GGJ in Verona. It was created by myself, Mattia 'GOO' R. and Mauro M., as is this new version. Music was done by 93 Steps and Franceso 'Spider' L.

The theme of the jam was "extinction", and Mattia's idea was to have a character slowly evolving from monkey to self destruction. Not to give anything away, it doesn't end well (unless you collect all those bananas - that might change something... hint hint) :P

The game is meant to be challenging: easy to complete but hard to complete while collecting all the items. Challenge yourselves to grab them all as you rush through history!

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Things that explode: hurrah!


Race 4 Extinction just got a nice big update. Well, actually it's just the third episode that's finally finished: here we play as a chain-smoking cowboy with a quick-draw :D. There are some changes to previous episodes (to make certain sections easier/more coherent) and various little tweak/fixes. There's also a bunch of new sound effects and a brand-new (original) sprite for the dragons. Here's a quick run-through of the third episode:

I'm trying to keep the dichotomy of difficult between completing a level and completing it 100%. The idea is that the game should be fairly trivial to "finish" but very challenging to "complete". So you'll often have to choose between extra health or an easier path, and getting all the items.

Another priority is a logical progression: first you have no weapon, then you learn about breakable barrels. In this third episode you're given a ranged weapon and are introduced to TNT and chain-reactions. So the base gameplay remains the same, but little quirks are added with each episode ;-).

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Beta demo 2

Beta demo 2


The third episode is finished, and they've been a few tweaks to previous ones. Most importantly, there are a lot of new sound-effects to bring the world...

Beta demo 1

Beta demo 1


First demo of this new-and-improved version. A lot of assets or missing or place-holders, and only the first episodes have been completed. Should still...

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