This project is an interesting one. Project: Dimensions will be a video game whereby the player will be able to switch between different dimensions of space and time, allowing for (for example) one level to be able to be switched from a place where gravity pulls everything towards the mass that is creating the gravitational effect to another dimension where everything is push away. Follow the adventures of a scientist, who has lost everything and in a desperate attempt to bring back that which is dearest to him, through his use of an experimental device that allows him to switch dimensions and discover the truth of his work and his past. Will be available PC platforms. To be created in Unreal Engine 4. (Please not that the project title - Project: Dimensions - is in no way representative of the final title of the game).

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This project's developer's name has now changed!

This project's developer's name has now changed!


This project's developer's name has now changed! The company name is no longer what it once was but is now instead known as Enigma Studios! We hope you...