Political is a political simulation game where you are given control over your own political party,you chose your own goals and decide how you want to play the game the only limit is your imagination and the legal system ya anarchy wanting rebels.The game features micromanagement galore as you will be able to view just about anything in graphs,tweak it and change it and if you cant well then let us know and we will sure as hell patch it in when we are done enjoying this amazing pizza.Currently there are no plans to add a co op or online play however this might change depending on the wishes of the games community.We hope you will enjoy Political and that it will give you endless amounts of fun either trying to stay in power,be in power ,or just do nothing at all really like real politics.As always all feedback about the game and project is welcome and we look forward to giving you guys an amazing game.PS we will keep you updated with posts on moddb so you dont think we have died.

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Dev Update #2

Dev Update #2


Dev Update #2 for Political - About the voting and how to campaign

Dev Update #1

Dev Update #1


The first of many dev updates to keep the community up to date with the development of the game.