Nether Regions is a 3D first person platforming game.

Add job Report Unity3D Visual Effects Specialist at EpicToast Interactive

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

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Hi, I'm Figro from EpicToast interactive.
We are looking for people with minimal or greater experience with Unity coding and Unity3D itself to create visual effects using the free version of Unity3D such as...

* "Dirty lens" effect
* DOF ("Depth of Field")
* Particle Physics
* Performance Optimization
* Realistic Lighting

...for our current Retro 3D First person puzzle project called "Trapped", we are looking for people who can work well and collaborate with ALL other fields, including Sound, Graphics, and Writing to create amazing game play aspects for the player to explore. You must be devoted to Epic Toast, but you don't have to be THAT devoted, meaning you can work maybe once or twice a week, but not once or twice a month. Whatever you do or work on here at Epic Toast, we are not focused on more profit, but more memories for the player to experience and share with the rest of the world.

Before you join....

1. Make sure you have a high enough skill level to get the jobs done efficiently and effectively. For this job you will need to know how to achieve at least 3 out of 5 of the the aspects listed above.
You will have to give a playable example of your work if you want to apply.

2. Before joining look at our Epic Toast image page to make sure that this project is one that you are interested in working on, you can find it here...

To Apply

Send me an email at