A top-down zombie shooter, where the best way to survive is creating a barricade around your self

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Necrophobia Beta 3.0 Update


So the update has come a bit earlier than expected. I'm going to be out of town over the weekend and have limited internet access. I also want to clarify that this game is still in Beta, this is not Necrophobia 3, it is the 3rd major update. I would also like to add that i finally got a pixel artist and will hopefully change all the sprites in the next update.

Change Log:
-Removed "Options"
+Added tutorial
+indicaition what items have been bought
+get 10 more walls every 10 rounds
+10 more walls is fixed
+made wallers face walls when destroying walls
+wallers are same speed as other zombies
+made it so you can buy things when you have the exact amount
+you can only buy the glock once
+weapons you have bought are outlined
+wallers don't spawn at the end of the 2nd round
-Removed pause key
-player can no longer walk through steel walls
+5 health at end of round
+Change selection with 1,2 or 3
+re-add jumpers
+fixed charger blood moving after death
+fixed infinate steel walls
+raised UZI speed
+can now build steel over "Press space for new rounds" after rounds
+Wallers are slow when trying to destroy walls.
+on esc asks to exit or not
-removed melee
+new menu background
+made jumper get bigger when jumping over walls
+jumper blood doesn't move after death
-mech gun is not outlined when not purchesed
+don't need more than cost of walls to buy them
+jumpers slow down while jumping
+shotgun must pump before shooting
+added 4 diffrent pistol sounds
+new zombie spawning system
+added health kit
+gameover send you to new menu

Necrophobia 2.7

Necrophobia 2.7


A quick review of the 2.7 update, showing what has been added and removed. mostly just a bug update.

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