This game is about making it through each stage and surviving. You have to survive each stage and room to win, if you die once then you have to start over. The game will be centered around our main features like our key system where you have to find keys in chests etc to enter new rooms. There are also rooms filled with enemies that want to kill you, in these cases you have to kill the enemies in order to enter the next room. We will have a movement system with wasd and our combat system will be the keyboard arrows.

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Mushroom Crawler

Mushroom Crawler


This weeks added contents. Larger maps, more enemies, more music, bosses, shooting in 8 directions, power ups and a merchant.

Mushroom Crawler Update 2

Mushroom Crawler Update 2


This is the second and final update of this sprint.

Mushroom Crawler Update

Mushroom Crawler Update


Here comes a sneakpeek of some ingame content, in these pictures you get the first EXCLUSIVE sneakpeek of the might game that shall be called MUSHROOM...