In "Mournway Mansion" you will play as a boy, who enters an abandoned house in the middle of the night for a dare to join a group of boys from the neighborhood. While looking for the hidden item, you might find out some things about yourself as well.

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Descending invisible stairs

Descending invisible stairs


This is an article about the composition of the tutorial dream scene, especially of the last part of it.

Tutorial V2: The first part

Tutorial V2: The first part


In this update, I'm talking about why I'm replacing the old tutorial with a new one and show a video of the current state of it.




The beginning of the interaction with the wastebasket, a seachable container.

Terminal Puzzle

Terminal Puzzle


Adding a puzzle from my gamejam game to Mournway Mansion.

Locking in the player is sometimes good

Locking in the player is sometimes good


It's not a spooky game until you get locked in somewhere...