The project is in the process of a complete restart. The previous iteration has been discontinued and deprecated.

RSS Articles

Time to Restart


The time has finally come. After 9 years of development (and 6 years of postponement), this dreaded day has finally come.

Click here for the TL:DR if you want to cut to the chase with what is happening overall.

If you want to understand what is truly going on with the project and why I am doing this, click here instead.


Thank you to all of those who stuck around all of these years up to this point. If you want to stay updated to all things Qore World, just go there instead.

RSS Files
Maze Qore - Expo Demo

Maze Qore - Expo Demo


The pre-alpha build we used to showcase the core features of the game at multiple gaming conventions in 2017, better known as the "expo demo".

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