Machinations is a real-time strategy game where you manage and direct swarms of ships to take over and destroy your enemies. Plan your attacks carefully to gain the the most tactically advantageous Nodes (space-stations which build and house your fleet). Upgrade your Nodes with defensive lasers or build shipyards to augment your fleet. Capture super-weapons to cut swathes through your enemies' fleet. Play against up to three AI players in frantic, randomised melees matches. Or complete the Campaign mode to help Admiral Sudo (your robotic commander) reclaim his lost empire.

Forum Thread
Fadein/out from main menu to Campaign (Games : Machinations : Forum : Feedback on design : Fadein/out from main menu to Campaign) Locked
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MilkFairy Yoghurt enthusiast
Nov 11 2012 Anchor

I don't think I noticed this is version 0.0.1, but it's in 0.0.2 .

When you are on the main menu and select the Campaign option, the screen fades from the main menu screen to the Campaign screen.
But the fade effect behaves strangely.

It's hard to describe, but I'll try in terms of opacity.
When the main menu is showing, it has 100% opacity and the Campaign screen has 0% opacity.
When the campaign is showing, it has 100% opacity and the main menu screen has 0% opacity.

During the fade from the main screen to the campaign screen, I expected to see main go linearly from 100% to 0% and campaign from 0% to 100%. The campaign screen behaves linearly as expected, but the main menu screen does not. From left to right, here's the opacity I see during the fade :

Main menu 100% 0% 25% 50% 25% 0%
Campaign 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

It's like the main menu disappears immediately, then fades back a little before fading away again... strange!

This screenshot doesn't really help, but was taken during the fade I'm talking about :
Machinations Bug Images 0017


Bippity-boppity-MOO!  :P

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