LonganTree:Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan, is a tropical tree native to South and Southeast Asia, in the Indomalaya ecozone. It produces edible fruit. Forth under the dawn's light, you arrive in the mist. Taking a little breath, you scent the thick growth. Birds are tweeting, you perceive something. Is it a longan wood over there? You can't see it through the air. Is it the aim for which you have come here? Your have no clue but your search has to fare...

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这个游戏,开发 使 于五个月前。暴力开发 了一两个月,余下的几 个月缓慢修丁 丁BUG 等等我也不知所云。
大抵游戏的想法来 源于我的 梦和我的现实经历。

曾几何时,我总会做 那么一类梦:被追杀。梦里,我 在各种 地方被追杀,各种人来追杀我。我会在小巷狂奔,我会在房 顶飞跃。然而却没有 人能追上我,偶尔发生打斗,我总是把追杀我 的人 杀得落花流水。大抵看看武侠片 中的英 雄干小兵,割草般的畅快。说远了,不过大多还是被追杀,我一直跑啊跑,没人追上我。但是,从来没在树 林中被追杀过。
再者过去一年里,我时常到附近 的龙眼(桂圆)树林转悠。早上在里 面拉 小提琴,吹箫什么的,别有一番情趣。而那儿往往没 有别人,只有鸟虫相伴,怡然自得。而且玩我的,她们唱她们的,毫无相互打搅之意。日久生情嘛,来得多了,自然对龙眼树有 了一分感触,有了一分情愫。
自然,围绕龙眼树外围有 很多 很深很深的草,更是充满了各 种奇奇怪 怪的动物,这是我的最爱了。闲暇之余,我就来偷拍,反正他们被拍 了也不会告我。
于是乎,到了2012年4月份,我就开始打造 龙眼树这款游戏啦。

最初是建模,打算建一个超 真实的龙 眼树模型。 不过最后放弃了,因为我一片叶子就有几十个面,一颗未完成的 树就几百万 面片。最后就用了Unity3D 自带的建造树的组件,建出来其实也不大像,不过之前也有树叶、树干纹理的准备什么的,大概有点那么个意思就够了。(游戏进程很 多在 龙眼树板块有记录,也不过多详解了。)然后是草,然后就把整 个场景搭建出来了。

游戏要的 就是那份 感觉啊,深夜深夜里的感觉。灯光调暗, 环境有个大概,加点雾 。再重要的就 是声音什么的,深夜 通宵录鸟鸣啊,去树林里采 集各种 声音样本啊什么的,也是搞了好多回,效果还不错。至于角色的运动吧,最开始用自带的,不好用,于是开始自己写。虽然是第一次 用Unity3D做东西,但有龙哥的指导,一切来之不难。慢慢的就越 做越成型了。

对于游戏最开 始 的环境测试,我就真是不希望所有 人都能够直 接 始游戏。其一,浮躁的人我 认为 他们完全领悟不到什么,也就干脆别玩我 的游戏好了。毕竟 ,所有字都不看,提示也不看,就狂点键盘,自然是无法进入游戏的,而即使不小心进去,那是你运气,你也无所得。至于光线和声 音环境不 能满足条件的,我认为很大程 度难 以获得最佳体验,也不玩了罢。另游戏对硬件 要求相当高,纯个人优化 能力问题,暂时也没办法,就这样罢了。以后有能力了,以后的游 戏优化好些,也是好的。

而游戏的玩法,自然也大体如 最先设计的 一般。在森林里跑,然后被拍死,然后重新跑,然后再被拍死,然后跑得快了,然后不被拍死。不过游戏呢,其实是没有目标的。我希望通过这个游戏 表达的是人与 自己与自然间的关系。就从玩游戏 的角度出发,游戏可以没有 目标,玩家可以去自己发现一些东西,包括目标、也包括玩法。引导上,自然,主力方向是引导 玩 家躲避被拍死。自以为如是,就可以狂奔,或者躲着。而实际上,成型游戏中的设计是,朝着一个方向狂奔,或以最低速 度前进或者不动,都可以最终解除 来自大自然的危险。这里就是人与自然了。
当人进入自然体中,这片自然不知 道来着为何物,本能的是抹杀掉。而她也不是枉加抹杀,她会观察,看看你是否有害。如果你很安静,不影响她,那没问题。如果你乱走,踩坏了花 花草草不说,还制造出各种声响,那实在是可恶,应该埋葬掉。但是如果其派 出的抹杀 者追不上你呢?那你是凌驾于其之上的,她奈何不了你,于是听之任之。
而现实生活中 的人与自然 呢?人们发达了,将豺狼虎 豹都消灭掉了,于是在树林中 滥砍滥伐。即使其呻吟,也无可奈何。现实是现实的,而游戏是理想的。这层意思也不必太说,清者自清,浊者自浊。化浊为清,方能明。

凌晨四点,当你偶然间 来到龙眼树林,何去何从,一切都在于你自己。 玩家行为对游戏至关重要。
事实上,游戏目标也好,游戏结果也好,选择都在玩家自己 。这不是一个娱乐性的游戏,没有明确的 目标给你达成。当你在被拍死多次后,自己给自己一个目标,那是求生的欲望,那是生命的本能。而至于狂奔起来呼啸而过,听不清周遭的声响,却深深感受到自己 的 急促的呼吸声时,那是一种畅快的状态。这也是 游戏另我自己 都感动不已的一个方向。

而该游戏还有所表达,也就是生活。结上段而言,现在太多的人,走路的目的是 达 到目的地,跑步的目的是锻炼身体。很少有人走路 时可以 同时欣赏周遭的风景,而又在 为了迅速达 到目的地时跑起来。生活,有了太多目的性,就会丢失很多很多。我也无法具体说丢失了些 什么,但当我感受 到这一点时,我才发现,原来最珍贵 最美好的 就在身旁, 需要的是去感悟、去感受,而不是漠视、忽略。
曾经我在夕阳下,踩着冻干的树叶,发出吱 吱的碎裂声,现在回忆起 来依旧温暖,依旧美好,而又有多少人能有这种回忆?我不得而知。曾经我也匆 匆忙忙过完一天,于是真正 消耗了一天生命而一无所获。生命的进行,重要的就是此时此刻,而不是为了未来。于是我能够在火车晚点 几小时依旧不觉烦躁,于是我 能在停电之时不觉枯燥,于是我能没晚 睡觉 前跑 湖边弹个把小时的琵琶,于是我能 长时间仰 望星空即 使我认不出任何一个星座。
自此,多少人能安安 静静在树 林里倾听鸟鸣?倾听脚步声?倾听呼吸声?感受周 遭的空气,和那微弱的光线?

啊,貌似说多了。总之呢,作为第一个开始的游戏,虽有许多欠缺之处,尚 有多处不完善之处,但他终究是将我想表达 的 诸多 东西表达了出来。而我本人的一 些东西,也真正融入其中。我也不必太在意玩家的看法,玩家自有其所想,所或所得全然在 于自己,我也不必非要大家都 最 大可能领 悟到我所表达的。因为我所表达的,并非我所想表达的;而我所想表达的,亦非我所表达的。

何去何从,一切都看大家自 己。而针对龙 眼树这款游戏,大抵还有 很多很 多可以娓娓道来,不过也就此打住吧。话语绵绵 ,我所想之无尽,适可而止。

Longan Tree V0.35 released and hope you guys can help me to test it.

Longan Tree V0.35 released and hope you guys can help me to test it.


Longan Tree, as known as 龙眼树, is some kind of an adventure game and it's really very special. (sorry for my poor english and maybe it's not to easy...

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Full Version

Hard and very hard. If you have any question please ask me on my official website.




Compared with V0.2x, changed a lot. I'll tell you quietly that if you can live for 10 minutes and you are free then. And what's more? Discover those yourself...




Increase the internal version number, Increase the environmental testing ,Environment description to be incorporated into parts of the game ,Game difficulty...

LonganTree - PureVersion

LonganTree - PureVersion

Full Version

This is full version. But it's not normal version. It's much pure than the normal version. And the normal version is still in developing.




still very hard a game, very very hard. and it's not esier than the early version

LonganTree V0.23

LonganTree V0.23


First of all, find how to play the game. Then, you'll know more.

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ZombieJ - - 28 comments

The fact that this game is difficult and doesn't explain anything is one of the things that is so appealing about it. It isn't tough due to bad design or lack of skill on the creator's part, it is deliberately tough. Difficult by design.

To maintain this I think explicit hints would be a very bad idea. In the first 'stage' of the game you simply have to work out how to avoid death, that should come naturally. If you cannot get past that stage then unfortunately this game is not for you. Games should not lead players by the hand.

Downloading the latest version now, look forward to playing it when it gets dark! Cheers

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PengBitao Creator
PengBitao - - 10 comments

This game is just a start. Maybe in my later game those problems will be solved. But in this game, it'll just be like that and never change. Though it can be changed to make it more a game, I think some thing can be more original. Maybe it's not a good game. But at least, I'm satisfied with this game, my very first game.

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ZombieJ - - 28 comments

What I've played so far is highly atmospheric. Well done.

It does require some kind of lead for the player to follow however. Once I'd started to avoid a clubbing I thought I found a path to follow, but I was wrong.

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PengBitao Creator
PengBitao - - 10 comments

Thanks for your playing and I'm very happy that you feel it's highly atmospheric which I really want to express perfectly.

And I'll add more lead gradually in later versions.

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Undisputed_91 - - 160 comments

hmmm...okay I'll keep trying, but nothing so far(including jumping) has worked. You might want to consider adding little hints in the game that give the player direction of thought, without telling him/her exactly what to do - it would help a lot! :)

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PengBitao Creator
PengBitao - - 10 comments

I'm thinking about how to give enough hints and be unlikely to get it too obviously. Maybe this will be solved in later version? Especially when the music is added and the levels get more and asymptotic(I dn't know if it's right to use this word).

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Undisputed_91 - - 160 comments

You could try some ambiguous riddles like: "The chameleon's motto is - Become one with nature and you will attain its immortality" if you want to suggest that the player must hide/blend(like the chameleon does in its natural habitat) and that way the player will have to make it out on their own and the riddles could be unavailable at all times(like when you die a lot) or mixed in with decoy riddles that don't help you in the game...though if you take this route I suggest coming up with better riddles than my example XP

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PengBitao Creator
PengBitao - - 10 comments

I'm thinking about it... And recently I found it's not that easy to do something. I wanna make it perfect for myself but I don't wish any words appear after starting the game. Maybe, on the other hand, I just want to have this game with out any words to help the player?

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Undisputed_91 - - 160 comments

Hmmm...well it's kind of hard for me to try to help with this, since I myself don't know what we're trying to hint at(as I have not discovered how to beat the game). However there could be world hints...like if you have a direction in which you have to go, you can have a small beam of light show weakly from time to time from that direction; or if you have to go slow, moving fast would make a lot of noise to hint at having to go slowly so you wouldn't make noise. I'm sure this all sounds strange to you as knowing the goal of the game, the way to beat it probably seems logical to you, but it's really confusing for someone like me, who starts off in a dark world where you can see very very little and failing without knowing why...however I still applaud you for making a game hard, as opposed to modern games(although some of them fun) which finnish the game for you.

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PengBitao Creator
PengBitao - - 10 comments

Suppose we suddenlly wake up to found we are in a very dark forest. We really don't know what to do. And that's what I want to express. And in this game, few players will finaly found their way and most of them will get lost. And for the few players, they found how to play and they get what I express. That's what I want. If I day I decide to make a serise of this game or more levels, there will be some hints. By the way, some of my friends beat the game after decades of attempts. Hope you can discover some day.

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Undisputed_91 - - 160 comments

Yeah, I hope I can. I just think that the idea of your game is really interesting and if people get help from the game(maybe after dying 10 times) and manage to beat it, they will see the true meaning of the game and be able to value its genius, instead of giving up and thinking it's not a good game or something like that. Anyway you know best. Hope to write again when(if) I beat it.

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PengBitao Creator
PengBitao - - 10 comments

" if people get help from the game(maybe after dying 10 times) and manage to beat it, they will see the true meaning of the game" is OK then, so I may change it later.

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Undisputed_91 - - 160 comments

Hi, I tried the new version...I only have one question, since I don't want to spoil the game for people that might not have done what I did...if you beat the game...do you get some ingame way of knowing you beat it...like when you're still in the forest...or is the message when you exit the game(the one about how many times you got free)?

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