Ironfell is a time travel themed massive multi-player online real time strategy (MMORTS) game. You begin with a single Explorer, thrown back in time to a safe green valley surrounded by mountains. You collect resources, build technology, and create armies to conquer new lands... or simply meander around, planting flowers in picturesque mountain valleys. The game is set in a 2D hexagon tiled universe, divided into separate realms. Each realm can be a mountain valley, a large island or even an whole ocean with many new types of realm planned for the future. This structure allows all players to be in the same universe (no shards), but for the game to be scalable, with realms hosted on separate server instances.

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App Of The Year 2013 Editor Choice

App Of The Year 2013 Editor Choice

Feature 3 comments

Welcome to the Editors Choice award for App of the Year 2013. Here the editors of SlideDB have their say on the most prolific indie games both released...