In this intense turn based strategy game you will dominate the galaxy by way of conquest! Capture enemy bases, dominate the galaxy, and bring other empires to destruction. Build more power ships by combining the might of two or more distinct ships. Balance the need to maintain large armadas with the incomes of your controlled planets and their orbiting stations.

RSS Articles
Ion Galactic Released to Windows Phone!

Ion Galactic Released to Windows Phone!


Ion Galactic has been released! It’s been a long road but very worth the effort. So much has been learned on this journey. Here are a few of the features...

Campaign work Continues

Campaign work Continues


For the last few days I’ve been working hard on the campaign. Turns out that creating a story is hard work. Further, I needed to code the ‘special’...

New Alpha copy of the game is up!

New Alpha copy of the game is up!


I just released the next and final alpha for the game Ion Galactic: The Conflict. I added a few extra features that didn’t make it into the last Alpha.

AI is feature complete!

AI is feature complete!


Short Ion Galactic: The Conflict video demonstrating the final feature complete AI.

Interesting Problems: a random nebula

Interesting Problems: a random nebula


Game development offers lots of interesting problems to solve.

Latest Alpha posted! Converted to Unity and doing great

Latest Alpha posted! Converted to Unity and doing great


I’ve ported Ion Galactic: The Conflict over to Unity and posted a new alpha for folks to try.