In the year 2019, a successful experiment manages to bring the human mind to a new dimensional plane, partially unknown. In this dimensional plane, you are a cardboard box filled with abilities, powers and a lack of common sense. Now, you will need to find your way out of this dimension while you discover the secrets of your own brain. Hickory is a 2D video game focused on a Drama story, full of RPG and Sandbox elements.

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I'm excited to announce that my game Hickory finally has its first version available to the public, an Alpha (0.3)

Hickory Logo

More info about Hickory Here!


Any recommendation, critics and comments about the game will be highly appreciated, thanks! :)

The Crowdfunding has started

The Crowdfunding has started


The Crowdfunding campaign of Hickory has just started, and there you will be able to see more details about the development.

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Hickory Demo v0.3

Hickory Demo v0.3

Demo 1 comment

First public Alpha version of Hickory (v0.3-no story mode)

Hickory Demo v0.4

Hickory Demo v0.4


2nd public Alpha version of Hickory (v0.4-no story mode)

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