Become the greatest agricultural entrepreneur!
Are you tired of corporate life? Create your own farm starting from scratch! Plant vegetables and fruits, harvest crops, employ workers, take care of animals. Buy farm equipment, manage employees and just relax! After hard day at work - chill out at a farm!
Build your own farm full of village houses, sheds and granaries. Build roads and design optimal fields with various crops. Choose what you want to plant or sow: apples, beetroots, cabbages, carrots, corns, leeks, onions, pepper, pumpkins, sunflowers, tomatoes, wheat.
Make sure they are watered and kept away from pests!
Remember to take care of your animals! Prepare a place to live for bulls, cats, chickens, cows, dogs, goats, geese, horses, pigs, ostriches, pigeons, rabbits and sheep. Don’t forget to feed them! Keeping them clean is also very important.
Running a big farm will teach you managing financial operations, recruiting human resources and most importantly being responsible for your crops and animals. Make your farm profitable - you will gain resources to develop it even more!
And remember: Always look on the bright side of a farm!
7:00 PM CEST is here and you know what it means… Farming Life has been released! 🥳
Go to Steam page or our YouTube channel to watch the launch stream!
We’d like to thank all of you who followed the game and had it in your Wishlist. We’re also grateful to all of you who have yet to discover the game. 🙂 We’ve been working hard to deliver the most relaxing farming experience with its own charm and we’re happy we can finally show you results. Now, we leave Farming Life in your hands and we sincerely hope that you’ll have a lot of fun with it and that it’ll meet your expectations. 😊
Of course, we’re not parting ways here! We’ll be watching Steam forums and all of our other social media profiles while waiting for feedback from you. We’d be happy if you left us some of your impressions – be it a detailed review or a short message, it all counts! ❤️ If you encounter some issues, make sure to let us know as well. We’ll do what we can to help! 💪
With the game's launch the Community Challenge comes to a close as well. Farming Life will be available at a 15% discount for the first few days after its release!
As a little side note, we have also released a Major Update for Castle Flipper today! A lot of additional content has been added. If a medieval setting is your thing and you’re looking for more games to unwind after a stressful day, Castle Flipper is a perfect pick! 👑 Take a look at its store page if you’re interested!
With that, we wish you good luck on your way to become the best farmer! 🚜
Have fun!
Farming Life Team
We are ready to announce release date for Farming Life! This charming farming game will be available for purchase on October 18!
Another Farming Life devlog has made its way to IndieDB! 😊 Check it out and learn about Random Quests and Ranking system!
New Farming Life devlog is here! Learn more about Progression system, which will measure your experience in the game.
It’s time for a new Farming Life devlog! 🌻 A little something regarding our progress on the game, small animals and new vehicles! 🚗
Only registered members can share their thoughts. So come on! Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and join in the conversation.