2D Space-based game. Save the Emoji People! Their planet is doomed, so it's your job to build apartments for them on distant planets. You'll need to mine ores and other resources, produce metals and plastic. Grow food and other plants, refine plant oil into rocket fuel to fuel your nice shiny new rocket (made from iron,copper and lead you've mined). Each Emoji will need food, water and an apartment to survive. You can build everything on one planet, or spread out onto countless other planets you claim. Later, you can sell your surplus items to friendly aliens and get some GUCs (Generic Units of Currency) and buy items that you need from them too. Beware the 'generic space pirates' when they notice you, they'll gladly help themselves to your stuff, so protect your planets with a ground-based Laser-shark weapon (yes, that's right. Sharks with frickin' lasers!).




