Andromeda has seen quieter days, and it’s up to you to take the reigns of one of many civilizations and guide it through the many dangers hiding in the galaxy. Dawn of Andromeda is a pausable, real-time space 4X game focused on providing a fun, immersive and accessible experience that allows you to truly play as an emperor. Build your empire, colonize new planets, interact with other factions and characters, research new technologies and build fleets so powerful your enemies will tremble.

RSS Reviews

deleted10101 says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree

What can i say about this game is that i like it . I like its take on the genre along the lines of Sins of a Solar Empire which is my first favorite among the real time 4x games , the second being Distant Worlds but i'm disappointed by DoA lack of content and unfinished state


- The graphics are top notch , i mean even a small asteroid has more detail than planets in other titles eg. Stellaris , MOO Cts
- I love the dynamic light system of projectiles that light up objects in the environment
- The UI is amazing , simple and easy to deduct
- The races are well done and 8 is a consistent number


- 5 out of all 8 races prefer Ocean planets ? This is half arsed if you ask me
- Once again the planet diversity is abysmal , no more than 5 like i counted . For a game with this potential we should have far more planet variety and diversity . If we look at titles like MOO Cts , Stellaris we can notice a vast difference not to mention Endless Space 2 which is the best title having the highest planets variety i ever encountered
I would insist on the devs to consider expanding the planet variety for serious because is an important part of this genre of games , that counts much for the Exploration side

Overall i like it , and i prefer it more than Stellaris that even if overhyped i do not like its approach in many ways and would prefer DoA's approach yet the lack of content leaves me undecided at the present regarding this game

I wish to see with time more content for it and yes i would even recommend it to my friends once the game becomes more serious in the aforementioned aspects